Python Interface API

Python interface of block2.

class pyblock2.driver.core.SymmetryTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntFlag

Enumeration of symmetry modes (symmetry groups, complex/real types, and floating-point precision).

CPX, SP, SAny can be combined with some other types using operator |. For example, SymmetryTypes.CPX | SymmetryTypes.SU2 is the SU(2) mode with the complex number.

Nothing = 0

Real number and double precision.

SU2 = 1

Spin-adapted Fermion mode, U(1) x SU(2) x AbelianPG.

SZ = 2

Non-spin-adapted Fermion mode, U(1) x U(1)[Sz] x AbelianPG.

SGF = 4

General spin Fermion mode. U(1)[Fermion number] x AbelianPG.

SGB = 8

General spin Boson mode. U(1)[Boson number] x AbelianPG.

CPX = 16

Complex number. Can be combined with Fermion/Boson symmetry types.

SP = 32

Single precision. Can be combined with Fermion/Boson symmetry types.


Complex number general spin Fermion mode, for relativistic DMRG.

SPCPX = 48

Single precision complex number.

SAny = 64

General symmetry type.

SAnySU2 = 65

Equivalent to ‘SU2’, implemented using general symmetry types.

SAnySZ = 66

Equivalent to ‘SZ’, implemented using general symmetry types.

SAnySGF = 68

Equivalent to ‘SGF’, implemented using general symmetry types.


Equivalent to ‘SGFCPX’, implemented using general symmetry types.

SO4 = 128
PHSU2 = 256
SO3 = 512
LZ = 1024
SAnySO4 = 192

SO(4) symmetry for 2-D Hubbard model with NN interactions.

SAnyPHSU2 = 320

Particle-hole symmetry for 2-D Hubbard model with NN interactions.

SAnySO3 = 576

SO(3) spatial symmetry for atoms.

SAnySU2LZ = 1089

Spin-adapted mode for diatomic molecules, U(1) x SU(2) x U(1)[Lz].

SAnySZLZ = 1090

Non-spin-adapted mode for diatomic molecules, U(1) x U(1)[Sz] x U(1)[Lz].

SAnySGFLZ = 1092

General spin mode for diatomic molecules, U(1) x U(1)[Lz].

class pyblock2.driver.core.ParallelTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntFlag

Enumeration of strategies for distributing the quantum chemistry h1e and g2e integrals. See Eq. (2) in J. Chem. Phys. 154, 224116 (2021).

Nothing = 0

Serial computation.

I = 1

Distribute integrals over the first index.

J = 2

Distribute integrals over the second index.

SI = 3

Distribute integrals over the smallest index.

SJ = 4

Distribute integrals over the second smallest index.

SIJ = 5

Distribute integrals over the unordered tuple of the two smallest indices (IJ) of g2e. When J == K, distribute over J. Same as ‘SI’ for h1e. See Eq. (5) in J. Chem. Phys. 154, 224116 (2021).

SKL = 6

Distribute integrals over the unordered tuple of the two largest indices (KL) of g2e. When J == K, distribute over J. Same as ‘SJ’ for h1e. See Eq. (6) in J. Chem. Phys. 154, 224116 (2021).

UIJ = 7

Distribute integrals over the unordered tuple of the two smallest indices (IJ) of g2e. When J == K, distribute over IJ. Same as ‘SI’ for h1e.

UKL = 8

Distribute integrals over the unordered tuple of the two largest indices (KL) of g2e. When J == K, distribute over KL. Same as ‘SJ’ for h1e.

UIJM2 = 9

Similar to ‘UIJ’, but distribute over IJ / 2.

UKLM2 = 10

Similar to ‘UKL’, but distribute over KL / 2.

UIJM4 = 11

Similar to ‘UIJ’, but distribute over IJ / 4.

UKLM4 = 12

Similar to ‘UKL’, but distribute over KL / 4.

MixUIJUKL = 1000

Two-layer nested UIJ (outer) and UKL (inner). Not a good strategy.

MixUKLUIJ = 1001

Two-layer nested UKL (outer) and UIJ (inner). Not a good strategy.

MixUIJSI = 1002

Two-layer nested UIJ (outer) and SI (inner).

class pyblock2.driver.core.MPOAlgorithmTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntFlag

Enumeration of strategies for building MPO from symbolic expression of second quantized operators. Algorithms (such as Bipartite) and modifiers (such as Fast) can be combined using operator |.

Nothing = 0

No algorithm specified (invalid).

Bipartite = 1

Bipartite algorithm. See J. Chem. Phys. 153, 084118 (2020).

SVD = 2

SVD algorithm. See J. Chem. Phys. 145, 014102 (2016).

Rescaled = 4

Use rescaled singular values for truncation. Optional for ‘SVD’, cannot be used alone.

Fast = 8

Fast implementation for dense integrals. Optional for ‘SVD’ and ‘Bipartite’, cannot be used alone.

Blocked = 16

Separate SVD for blocks. Optional for ‘SVD’ and ‘Bipartite’, cannot be used alone.

Sum = 32

Sum of MPO approach. See J. Chem. Phys. 145, 014102 (2016). Optional for ‘SVD’ and ‘Bipartite’, cannot be used alone.

Constrained = 64

SVD with constraints on sparsity. See PLoS ONE 14 e0211463 (2019). Optional for ‘SVD’, cannot be used alone.

Disjoint = 128

SVD with block-diagonal sparsity preserved. Optional for ‘SVD’, cannot be used alone.

Length = 8192

Separate SVD for different operator widths. Optional for ‘SVD’ and ‘Bipartite’, cannot be used alone.

DisjointSVD = 130
BlockedSumDisjointSVD = 178
FastBlockedSumDisjointSVD = 186
BlockedRescaledSumDisjointSVD = 182
FastBlockedRescaledSumDisjointSVD = 190
BlockedDisjointSVD = 146
FastBlockedDisjointSVD = 154
BlockedRescaledDisjointSVD = 150
FastBlockedRescaledDisjointSVD = 158
RescaledDisjointSVD = 134
FastDisjointSVD = 138
FastRescaledDisjointSVD = 142
ConstrainedSVD = 66
BlockedSumConstrainedSVD = 114
FastBlockedSumConstrainedSVD = 122
BlockedRescaledSumConstrainedSVD = 118
FastBlockedRescaledSumConstrainedSVD = 126
BlockedConstrainedSVD = 82
FastBlockedConstrainedSVD = 90
BlockedRescaledConstrainedSVD = 86
FastBlockedRescaledConstrainedSVD = 94
RescaledConstrainedSVD = 70
FastConstrainedSVD = 74
FastRescaledConstrainedSVD = 78
BlockedSumSVD = 50
FastBlockedSumSVD = 58
BlockedRescaledSumSVD = 54
FastBlockedRescaledSumSVD = 62
BlockedSumBipartite = 49
FastBlockedSumBipartite = 57
BlockedSVD = 18
FastBlockedSVD = 26

Fast algorithm for blocked SVD.

BlockedRescaledSVD = 22
FastBlockedRescaledSVD = 30
BlockedLengthSVD = 8210
FastBlockedLengthSVD = 8218
BlockedBipartite = 17
FastBlockedBipartite = 25
RescaledSVD = 6
FastSVD = 10
FastRescaledSVD = 14
FastBipartite = 9

Fast algorithm for bipartite (recommended).

NC = 256

Normal-Complementary (NC) partition in conventional quantum chemistry DMRG. Optional for ‘Conventional’, cannot be used alone.

CN = 512

Complementary-Normal (CN) partition in conventional quantum chemistry DMRG. Optional for ‘Conventional’, cannot be used alone.

Conventional = 1024

Mixed NC/CN partition in conventional quantum chemistry DMRG. See Sec. III.A in J. Chem. Phys. 154, 224116 (2021).

ConventionalNC = 1280

Normal-Complementary (NC) partition in conventional quantum chemistry DMRG. See Eq. (B5) in J. Chem. Phys. 154, 224116 (2021).

ConventionalCN = 1536

Complementary-Normal (CN) partition in conventional quantum chemistry DMRG. See Eq. (B6) in J. Chem. Phys. 154, 224116 (2021).

NoTranspose = 2048

Allow different bra and ket in conventional quantum chemistry MPO. Optional for ‘Conventional’, cannot be used alone.

NoRIntermed = 4096

Not use R complementary operator intermediates in conventional quantum chemistry MPO. Optional for ‘Conventional’, cannot be used alone.

NoTransConventional = 3072
NoTransConventionalNC = 3328
NoTransConventionalCN = 3584
NoRIntermedConventional = 5120
NoTransNoRIntermedConventional = 7168
class pyblock2.driver.core.NPDMAlgorithmTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntFlag

Enumeration of strategies for computing N-particle density matrices (NPDM). See Sec. II.E.1 in J. Chem. Phys. 159, 234801 (2023). Items can be combined using operator |.

Nothing = 0

No algorithm specified (invalid).

SymbolFree = 1

Symbol-free NPDM algorithm.

Normal = 2

Normal algorithm with explicit symbols. Conflict with ‘SymbolFree’.

Fast = 4

Fast algorithm with explicit symbols. Conflict with ‘SymbolFree’.

Compressed = 8

Reduced disk storage. Optional for ‘SymbolFree’, cannot be used alone.

LowMem = 16

Reduced memory usage. Optional for ‘SymbolFree’, cannot be used alone.

Default = 9

Same as NPDMAlgorithmTypes.SymbolFree | NPDMAlgorithmTypes.Compressed (recommended).

Conventional = 32

Old manual implementation for 1pdm and 2pdm (less efficient).

class pyblock2.driver.core.STTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntFlag

Enumeration of truncation of expression in DMRG for similarity-transformed Hamiltonians. See Sec. II.D.3.iii in J. Chem. Phys. 159, 234801 (2023).

H = 1

Terms in H.

HT = 2

Terms in [H, T].

HT2T2 = 4

Terms in 1/2 [[H, T2], T2].

HT1T2 = 8

Terms in 1/2 [[H, T1], T1] + [[H, T2], T1].

HT1T3 = 16

Terms in [[H, T3], T1].

HT2T3 = 32

Terms in [[H, T3], T2].

H_HT = 3

Sum of ‘H’ and ‘HT’.

H_HT_HT2T2 = 7

Sum of ‘H’, ‘HT’ and ‘HT2T2’.

H_HT_HTT = 15

Sum of ‘H’, ‘HT’, ‘HT2T2’, and ‘HT1T2’.

H_HT_HTT_HT1T3 = 31

Sum of ‘H_HT_HTT’, and ‘HT1T3’.

H_HT_HTT_HT2T3 = 47

Sum of ‘H_HT_HTT’, and ‘HT2T3’.

H_HT_HTT_HT3 = 63

Sum of ‘H_HT_HTT’, ‘HT1T3’, and ‘HT2T3’.

H_HT_HT2T2_HT1T3 = 23

Sum of ‘H_HT_HT2T2’, and ‘HT1T3’.

H_HT_HT2T2_HT2T3 = 39

Sum of ‘H_HT_HT2T2’, and ‘HT2T3’.

H_HT_HT2T2_HT3 = 55

Sum of ‘H_HT_HT2T2’, ‘HT1T3’, and ‘HT2T3’.

class pyblock2.driver.core.Block2Wrapper(symm_type=SymmetryTypes.SU2)

Bases: object

Wrapper for low-level block2 C++ type bindings for different symmetries.


The symmetry/floating point number mode.


The block2 module.


Sub-module of block2 for the floating point number type.


Sub-module of block2 for the complex variant of the floating point number type. For example, for bx = block2 or block2.cpx, bc = block2.cpx.


Sub-module of block2 for the symmetry mode and floating point number types. For example, when symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2, bs = block2.su2.


Sub-module of block2 for the symmetry mode and the real variant of the floating point number types. For example, when symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2, brs = block2.su2.


Sub-module of block2 for the symmetry mode and the complex variant of the floating point number types. For example, when symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2, brs = block2.cpx.su2.


The quantum number type. For example, when symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2, SX = block2.SU2.


Vector of the floating point number type.


Vector of the real variant of the floating point number type. For example, for FL = complex<double>/double, FP = double.


Vector of the point group irrep integer type.


Vector of the quantum number type. For example, when symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2, VectorSX = block2.VectorSU2.


Vector of Vector of the quantum number type. For example, when symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2, VectorSX = block2.VectorVectorSU2.


Set the combination of symmetry sub-groups for symm_type = SAny.


List of names of (Abelian) symmetry groups. 0 <= len(args) <= 6 is required. Possible sub-group names are “U1”, “Z1”, “Z2”, “Z3”, …, “Z2055”, “U1Fermi”, “Z1Fermi”, “Z2Fermi”, “Z3Fermi”, …, “Z2055Fermi”, “LZ”, and “AbelianPG”.

class pyblock2.driver.core.DMRGDriver(stack_mem=1073741824, scratch='./nodex', clean_scratch=True, restart_dir=None, n_threads=None, n_mkl_threads=1, symm_type=SymmetryTypes.SU2, mpi=None, stack_mem_ratio=0.4, fp_codec_cutoff=1e-16)

Bases: object

Simple Python interface for DMRG calculations.


The symmetry/floating point number mode.


Wrapper for low-level type bindings.

mpiMPICommunicator or None

MPI Communicator.

__init__(stack_mem=1073741824, scratch='./nodex', clean_scratch=True, restart_dir=None, n_threads=None, n_mkl_threads=1, symm_type=SymmetryTypes.SU2, mpi=None, stack_mem_ratio=0.4, fp_codec_cutoff=1e-16)

Initialize DMRGDriver.


The symmetry/floating point number mode. Default: SymmetryTypes.SU2.


The working directory (scratch space). Default is “./nodex”.


If True, large temporary files in the scratch space will be removed once the DMRG finishes successfully. MPS files will not be removed. Default is True.

restart_dirNone or str

If not None, MPS will be copied to the given directory after each DMRG sweep. Default is None (MPS will not be copied).

n_threadsNone or int

Number of threads. When MPI is used, this is the number of threads for each MPI processor. Default is None, and the max number of threads available on this node will be used.


Number of threads for parallelization inside MKL (for dense matrix multiplication). n_mkl_threads should be a factor of n_threads. When n_mkl_threads is not 1, nested threading will be used. Default is 1.

mpiNone or bool

If True, MPI parallelization is used. If False or None, serial implementation is used. Default is None.


The memory used for storing renormalized operators (in bytes). Default is 1 GB. When MPI is used, this is the number per MPI processor. Note that this argument is only responsible for part of the memory consumption in block2. The other part will be dynamically determined.


The fraction of stack space occupied by the main stacks. Default is 0.4.


Floating-point number (absolute) precision for compressed storage of renormalized operators. Default is 1E-16.

property symm_type

The symmetry/floating point number mode.

property scratch

The working directory (scratch space).

property restart_dir

If not None, MPS will be copied to the given directory after each DMRG sweep.

set_symm_type(symm_type, reset_frame=True)

Change the symmetry type of this DMRGDriver.


The symmetry/floating point number mode. Default: SymmetryTypes.SU2.


Whether the data frame should be reset. This is required to be True after switching between single precision and double precision. Default is True.


Set the combination of symmetry sub-groups for symm_type = SAny.


List of names of (Abelian) symmetry groups. 0 <= len(args) <= 6 is required. Possible sub-group names are “U1”, “Z1”, “Z2”, “Z3”, …, “Z2055”, “U1Fermi”, “Z1Fermi”, “Z2Fermi”, “Z3Fermi”, …, “Z2055Fermi”, “LZ”, and “AbelianPG”.

initialize_system(n_sites, n_elec=0, spin=0, pg_irrep=None, orb_sym=None, heis_twos=-1, heis_twosz=0, singlet_embedding=True, pauli_mode=False, vacuum=None, left_vacuum=None, target=None, hamil_init=True)

Set the basic information of the system. Required before invoking self.get_mpo, self.get_random_mps, etc. Note that one can directly set the target and vacuum, so that n_elec, spin, pg_irrep, heis_twos, and heis_twosz are not required.


Number of sites (orbitals).


Number of electrons int the target state.


Two times total spin (in SU2 mode) or two times projected spin (in SZ mode) int the target state.

pg_irrepNone or int

Point group irreducible representation in the target state. 0 is the trivial point group irrep.

orb_symNone or list[int]

The point group irreducible representation of each site (orbital). If None, this is [0] * n_sites.


For non-Heisenberg model, this should be -1 (default). For Heisenberg model, this is two times the total spin of each site. For example, heis_twos = 1 for the most common spin-1/2 Heisenberg model.


For Heisenberg model in SGB mode, spin is not used and heis_twosz is used to specify two times the projected spin of the target state. Default is zero. Not used for non-Heisenberg model.


Whether singlet embedding is used for non-singlet target state in SU2 mode. Default is True. Note that when this is True, will always be the singlet even if the actual target state is not singlet.


Whether Pauli mode should be activated. Default is False. When Pauli mode is activated, quantum numbers are not used. Only n_sites is required in initialize_system. The SGB or SGB|CPX symmetry types are required for this case. In Pauli mode one can use DMRGDriver.get_mpo_any_pauli to construct MPO from XYZ Pauli operators.

vacuumSX or None

The quantum number of the reference vacuum state. If None, will be set according to other parameters. Default is None.

targetSX or None

The quantum number of the target state. If None, will be set according to other parameters. Default is None.

left_vacuumSX or None

For non-singlet states in non-Abelian symmetry modes (such as SU2), and when singlet_embedding = True, left_vacuum is an adjusted vacuum to represent the non-singlet fictitious non-singlet spin. For most cases, this can be automatically determined and stored as DMRGDriver.left_vacuum. For Abelian symmetry mode or singlet states in non-Abelian symmetry modes, this should be equal to vacuum.


Whether the Hamiltonian object DMRGDriver.ghamil should be initialized. Default is True. When a custom symmetry type is used and symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SAny, one can set this to False and manually initialize DMRGDriver.ghamil later using the return value of DMRGDriver.get_custom_hamiltonian.


Helper method for two-level MPI parallelization. This purpose of this method is to almost evenly divide n procs to two levels. Faster than a pure sqrt method when n >= 20000000.


Number of MPI processors.

(a, b)tuple[int, int]

Number of MPI processors at two levels such that a * b == n and abs(a - b) is minimized.

parallelize_integrals(para_type, h1e, g2e, const, msize=None, mrank=None)

Prepare integrals for parallel quantum chemistry DMRG.


The strategy for distributing the integrals (when self.mpi is not None).


ndim = 2 one-electron integral (serial/complete version).


ndim = 4 unpacked two-electron integral (serial/complete version).


Constant term.

msizeNone or int

Total number of MPI processors. If None, will be determined from self.mpi.size. Default is None.

mrankNone or int

The rank of current MPI processor. If None, will be determined from self.mpi.rank. Default is None.


One-electron integral with elements belonging to other processors set to zero.


Two-electron integral with elements belonging to other processors set to zero.

constfloat or complex

Constant energy (non-zero only at the root processor).


Internal method for setting Hamiltonian in the Pauli/SGB mode.


Internal method for setting Hamiltonian in the SAnySO4 mode.


Internal method for setting Hamiltonian in the SAnyPHSU2 mode.


Internal method for setting Hamiltonian in the SAnySO3 mode.


Internal method for setting Hamiltonian in the SAnySU2LZ/SAnySZLZ/SAnySGFLZ modes.

get_custom_hamiltonian(site_basis, site_ops, orb_dependent_ops='cdCD')

Setting Hamiltonian in the general symmetry mode. SZ or SAny symmetry mode is required.

site_basislist[list[tuple[SX, int]]]

The set of quantum numbers (SX) and number of states (int) in the local Hilbert space at each site.

site_opslist[dict[str, np.ndarray[float|complex]]]

The matrix representation of elementary operators in the local Hilbert space at each site. Matrices must have ndim == 2. The indices of rows and columns correspond to the list given in site_basis. For example, When site_basis[0] = [(Q1, 2), (Q2, 3), (Q3, 1)], each matrix in site_ops[0] should have shape (6, 6) where the first 2 rows/columns correspond to the Q1 block, the next 3 rows/columns correspond to the Q2 block, etc. The operator name can only have one character.


List of operator names that can have point group irrep. If point group or orb_sym is not used, this can be empty. Default is “cdCD”.


The Hamiltonian object, implicitly required for MPO and MPS construction.

write_fcidump(h1e, g2e, ecore=0, filename=None, h1e_symm=False, pg='d2h')

Write quantum chemistry integrals as a FCIDUMP format file. Supports SZ, SU2, and SGF modes.

h1enp.ndarray[float|complex] or list[np.ndarray[float|complex]]

ndim = 2 one-electron integral. For SZ mode, this is a list/tuple of two np.ndarray, for the aa and bb components, respectively.

g2enp.ndarray[float|complex] or list[np.ndarray[float|complex]] or None

ndim = 4 or 2 or 1 unpacked/packed two-electron integral. For SZ mode, this is a list/tuple of three np.ndarray, for the aa, ab, and bb components, respectively.

ecorefloat or complex

Constant energy. Default is 0.

filenamestr or None

If not None, will write the integrals in the FCIDUMP format to a file named filename. Otherwise, no files will be written. Default is None.


If True, the h1e is assumed symmetric/Hermitian and only the triangular part of it will be stored. This is the standard FCIDUMP format. If False, the full h1e will be stored, which will ensure the correctness for non-Hermitian/anti-Hermitian integrals. Default is False. Set to True if this FCIDUMP format will be read by other programs.


Point group name. The MOLPRO convention for orb_sym is required for FCIDUMP files. This point group name is used to translate from the XOR convention (used by block2) to MOLPRO convention.


The block2 fcidump object.

read_fcidump(filename, pg='d2h', rescale=None, iprint=1)

Read the quantum chemistry integrals from a FCIDUMP format file. Supports SZ, SU2, and SGF modes. When this method returns, self.h1e, self.g2e, self.ecore, self.n_sites, self.n_elec, self.spin, self.pg_irrep, and will be set.


The name of the FCIDUMP format file.


Point group name, used to translate from the MOLPRO convention (used in FCIDUMP format) to the XOR convention (used by block2).

rescaleNone or float or True

If None, will not rescale (default). If zero or True, will adjust h1e and the const energy so that the average diagonal element of h1e is zero. If non-zero float, will adjust h1e and the const energy so that the const energy becomes the given rescale number. After rescale, the integrals will only be correct for the given n_elec.


Verbosity. Default is 1.


The block2 fcidump object.


Transform the spin-restricted integrals h1e and g2e to general spin orbital integrals h1e and g2e. Assuming self.h1e and self.g2e available and unpacked. The transformed integrals will be stored as self.h1e and self.g2e. This will also change self.n_sites and self.orb_sym (if available) accordingly.

integral_symmetrize(orb_sym, h1e=None, g2e=None, hxe=None, k_symm=None, iprint=1)

Symmetrize quantum chemistry integrals so that all elements violating point group restrictions are set to zero. Integrals (if not None) will be changed inplace.


The point group irreducible representation of each site (orbital), or the K-space irreducible representation of each site (orbital) if k_symm is not None.

h1enp.ndarray[float|complex] or None

ndim = 2 one-electron integral.

g2enp.ndarray[float|complex] or None

ndim = 4 unpacked two-electron integral.

hxenp.ndarray[float|complex] or None

Arbitrary ndim integrals or amplitudes.

k_symmNone or True

If None, orb_sym is understood as point group irreps. Otherwise, orb_sym is understood as K-space irreps.


Verbosity. Default is 1.

get_conventional_qc_mpo(fcidump, algo_type=None, iprint=1)

Construct MPO for quantum chemistry Hamiltonian, using conventional methods. This method cannot take care of MPI parallelization (one may use self.parallelize_integrals to parallelize the integrals before invoking this method).


The block2 fcidump object.

algo_typeMPOAlgorithmTypes or None

Strategies for building MPO from symbolic expression of second quantized operators. Only the Conventional|NC|CN based algorithms are accepted in this method. If None (default), MPOAlgorithmTypes.Conventional will be used.


Verbosity. Default is 1.


The block2 MPO object.


Construct MPO for the identity operator.


If True, will generate identity MPO including ancilla sites (used in finite temperature DMRG). Default is False.


The block2 MPO object.

unpack_g2e(g2e, n_sites=None)

Unfold the 8-fold or 4-fold or 1-fold two-electron integral to the 1-fold (unpacked) two-electron integral.


ndim = 4 or 2 or 1 packed/unpacked two-electron integral.

n_sitesint or None

Number of sites (orbitals). If None, will look at self.n_sites.


ndim = 4 unpacked two-electron integral.

get_qc_mpo(h1e, g2e, ecore=0.0, para_type=None, reorder=None, cutoff=1e-20, integral_cutoff=1e-20, post_integral_cutoff=1e-20, fast_cutoff=1e-20, unpack_g2e=True, algo_type=None, normal_order_ref=None, normal_order_single_ref=None, normal_order_wick=True, symmetrize=True, sum_mpo_mod=-1, compute_accurate_svd_error=True, csvd_sparsity=0.0, csvd_eps=1e-10, csvd_max_iter=1000, disjoint_levels=None, disjoint_all_blocks=False, disjoint_multiplier=1.0, block_max_length=False, add_ident=True, esptein_nesbet_partition=False, ancilla=False, reorder_imat=None, gaopt_opts=None, iprint=1)

Construct MPO from integrals in a quantum chemistry Hamiltonian.

For quantum chemistry Hamiltonians, the unpacked 2-electron integral g2e uses chemists’ notation.

In SU2 symmetry (spin restricted) mode, the quantum chemistry Hamiltonian is given by

\[H = \sum_{\sigma,ij} [\mathrm{h1e}]_{ij}\ a^{\dagger}_{i\sigma} a_{j\sigma} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\sigma\sigma',ijkl} [\mathrm{g2e}]_{ijkl}\ a^{\dagger}_{i\sigma} a^\dagger_{k\sigma'} a_{l\sigma'} a_{j\sigma} + \mathrm{ecore}\]

In SZ symmetry (spin unrestricted) mode, the quantum chemistry Hamiltonian is given by

\[H = \sum_{\sigma,ij} [\mathrm{h1e}]_{\sigma,ij}\ a^{\dagger}_{i\sigma} a_{j\sigma} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\sigma\sigma',ijkl} [\mathrm{g2e}]_{\sigma\sigma',ijkl} \ a^{\dagger}_{i\sigma} a^\dagger_{k\sigma'} a_{l\sigma'} a_{j\sigma} + \mathrm{ecore}\]


\[\begin{split}[\mathrm{h1e}][0] = [\mathrm{h1e}]_{\alpha} \\ [\mathrm{h1e}][1] = [\mathrm{h1e}]_{\beta} \\ [\mathrm{g2e}][0] = [\mathrm{g2e}]_{\alpha\alpha} \\ [\mathrm{g2e}][1] = [\mathrm{g2e}]_{\alpha\beta} \\ [\mathrm{g2e}][2] = [\mathrm{g2e}]_{\beta\beta}\end{split}\]

In SGF symmetry (general spin) mode, the quantum chemistry Hamiltonian is given by

\[H = \sum_{ij} [\mathrm{h1e}]_{ij}\ a^{\dagger}_{i} a_{j} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ijkl} [\mathrm{g2e}]_{ijkl}\ a^{\dagger}_{i} a^\dagger_{k} a_{l} a_{j} + \mathrm{ecore}.\]
h1enp.ndarray[float|complex] or list[np.ndarray[float|complex]]

ndim = 2 one-electron integral. For SZ mode, this can be a list/tuple of two np.ndarray, for the aa and bb components, respectively. For SZ mode, if only one np.ndarray is given, the two components will be assumed the same.

g2enp.ndarray[float|complex] or list[np.ndarray[float|complex]]

ndim = 4 or 2 or 1 unpacked/packed two-electron integral. For SZ mode, this can be a list/tuple of three np.ndarray, for the aa, ab, and bb components, respectively. For SZ mode, if only one np.ndarray is given, the three components will be assumed the same.

ecorefloat or complex

Constant term. Default is 0.

para_typeParallelTypes or None

The strategy for distributing the integrals (when self.mpi is not None). If None, the strategy ParallelTypes.SIJ will be used. Default is None. If the input integrals are already manually distributed, one should set this to ParallelTypes.Nothing. This argument has no effect if MPI is not activated (namely, when self.mpi is None).

reorderNone or str or np.ndarray[int] or True

The strategy for site/orbital reordering. If None, orbital will not be reordered. If np.ndarray[int], the orbital will be reordered using the given permutation. If this is “irrep”, orbitals with the same point group irrep will be put together. If this is “fiedler” or True, the fiedler method will be used. See also reorder_imat. If this is “gaopt”, the genetic algorithm will be used to find the optimal orbital reordering, using the “fiedler” ordering as the initial guess. See also reorder_imat and gaopt_opts. Note that this argument will perform the orbital reordering implicitly. This implicit ordering can be recognized by DMRGDriver.dmrg and DMRGDriver.get_npdm but it may not be compatible to some other operations in DMRGDriver. It is recommended to manually to perform the reordering on the integrals h1e, g2e and orb_sym before invoking this method to prevent any ambiguity.


Cutoff of singular values when MPOAlgorithmTypes.SVD is used for MPO construction. Default is 1E-20.


Cutoff of individual elements in the integrals. Default is 1E-20.


Cutoff of individual elements in the transformed integrals. Default is 1E-20. Only have effect if normal_order_ref is not None.


Cutoff of individual elements in the integrals, implemented using C++ code. Default is 1E-20. This is intended to be used when the integrals are very large and any copying or unpacking of the integrals should be avoided to save memory. This should be used together with unpack_g2e = False, integral_cutoff = 0 and symmetrize = False to avoid copying or unpacking. Default is 1E-20. Only have effect if normal_order_ref is None.


Whether the g2e should be unpacked (using the Python code). Setting this to False may save some amount of memory, but many other operations on the integrals (including symmetrization and distributed parallelization) may fail. Default is True.

algo_typeNone or MPOAlgorithmTypes

Strategies for building MPO from symbolic expression of second quantized operators. If None, MPOAlgorithmTypes.FastBipartite will be used (default).

normal_order_refNone or np.ndarray[bool]

If not None, the integrals will be normal ordered, using normal_order_ref as the reference. Elements in normal_order_ref indicate whether the orbital is doubly occupied (True) or empty/singly occupied (False) in the reference state. Default is None (the integrals will not be normal ordered).

normal_order_single_refNone or np.ndarray[bool]

Only have effect if normal_order_ref is not None. Elements in normal_order_single_ref indicate whether the orbital is singly occupied (True) or empty/doubly occupied (False) in the reference state.


Only have effect if normal_order_ref is not None. If True, will use WickNormalOrder implementation (via automatic symbolic derivation). Otherwise, will use the manual implementation. Default is True.


Only have effect if self.orb_sym is not None (when point group symmetry is used). If True, will symmetrize integrals so that integral elements violating point group restrictions are set to zero. Default is True. May generate runtime error during DMRG when point group is used but the integrals are not symmetrized.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Sum modifier appears in algo_type. Set the denominator for grouping indices in the sum of MPO approach. When this is -1, indices will not be grouped. Default is -1.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.SVD appears in algo_type. If True, will compute and print the accurate error due to SVD truncation by comparing the difference between the original tensor and the contraction of its decomposed parts. Setting this to False may reduce some time cost of the SVD approach. Default is True.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Constrained modifier appears in algo_type. Sparsity for constrained SVD. Default is 0.0.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Constrained modifier appears in algo_type. Threshold for constrained SVD. Default is 1E-10.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Constrained modifier appears in algo_type. Maximal iteration number for constrained SVD. Default is 1000.

disjoint_levelsNone or list[float]

Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Disjoint modifier appears in algo_type. Threshold for finding connected elements at each level. Default is None.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Disjoint modifier appears in algo_type. If False, only SVD for part of blocks will be done using disjoint SVD. Default is False.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Disjoint modifier appears in algo_type. Allowing the number of singular values to exceed the maximal number, but no more than disjoint_multiplier times the maximal number. Default is 1.0.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.SVD or MPOAlgorithmTypes.Bipartite appears in algo_type. If True, will separate the SVD or Bipartite for one- and two-electron integrals. Default is False.


If True, the hidden identity operator will be added into the MPO. This is required when ecore is not zero and DMRGDriver.expectation will be invoked using this MPO. Default is True. One needs to set this to False to allow the MPO to be transformed into the Python format.


If True, will only keep the “diagonal” part of the integrals for building MPO. This can be used to build the MPO for the zeroth-order Hamiltonian in the Esptein-Nesbet perturbation theory (used in perturbative DMRG). Default is False.


If True, will insert ancilla sites in the MPO, which can then be used for finite-temperature DMRG. Default is False.

reorder_imatNone or np.ndarray[float]

Only have effect when reorder == "fiedler" or reorder == "gaopt". The orbital interaction matrix (ndim == 2) used for computing the cost function for orbital reordering. If None, the exchange integral Kij will be used.

gaopt_optsdict or None

Only have effect when reorder == "gaopt". Custom options for the genetic orbital ordering algorithm. Possible keys are n_tasks, n_generations, n_configs, n_elite, clone_rate, and mutate_rate.


Verbosity. Default is 1.


The block2 MPO object.

get_mpo(expr, iprint=0, cutoff=1e-14, left_vacuum=None, algo_type=None, sum_mpo_mod=-1, compute_accurate_svd_error=True, csvd_sparsity=0.0, csvd_eps=1e-10, csvd_max_iter=1000, disjoint_levels=None, disjoint_all_blocks=False, disjoint_multiplier=1.0, block_max_length=False, add_ident=True, ancilla=False)

Construct MPO from arbitrary symbolic expression of second quantized operators.


The block2 GeneralFCIDUMP object. This is often obtained from the ExprBuilder.finalize method.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


Cutoff of singular values when MPOAlgorithmTypes.SVD is used for MPO construction. Default is 1E-20.

left_vacuumSX or None

The left_vacuum of MPO. If None, this will be automatically determined.

algo_typeNone or MPOAlgorithmTypes

Strategies for building MPO from symbolic expression of second quantized operators. If None, MPOAlgorithmTypes.FastBipartite will be used (default).


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Sum modifier appears in algo_type. Set the denominator for grouping indices in the sum of MPO approach. When this is -1, indices will not be grouped. Default is -1.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.SVD appears in algo_type. If True, will compute and print the accurate error due to SVD truncation by comparing the difference between the original tensor and the contraction of its decomposed parts. Setting this to False may reduce some time cost of the SVD approach. Default is True.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Constrained modifier appears in algo_type. Sparsity for constrained SVD. Default is 0.0.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Constrained modifier appears in algo_type. Threshold for constrained SVD. Default is 1E-10.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Constrained modifier appears in algo_type. Maximal iteration number for constrained SVD. Default is 1000.

disjoint_levelsNone or list[float]

Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Disjoint modifier appears in algo_type. Threshold for finding connected elements at each level. Default is None.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Disjoint modifier appears in algo_type. If False, only SVD for part of blocks will be done using disjoint SVD. Default is False.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.Disjoint modifier appears in algo_type. Allowing the number of singular values to exceed the maximal number, but no more than disjoint_multiplier times the maximal number. Default is 1.0.


Only have effect if MPOAlgorithmTypes.SVD or MPOAlgorithmTypes.Bipartite appears in algo_type. If True, will separate the SVD or Bipartite for one- and two-electron integrals. Default is False.


If True, the hidden identity operator will be added into the MPO. This is required when ecore is not zero and DMRGDriver.expectation will be invoked using this MPO. Default is True. One needs to set this to False to allow the MPO to be transformed into the Python format.


If True, will insert ancilla sites in the MPO, which can then be used for finite-temperature DMRG. Default is False.


The block2 MPO object.

get_site_mpo(op, site_index, iprint=1)

Construct MPO from the creation (C) or destroy (D) operator on a single site. Supports SU2, SZ, and SGF modes.


The name of the operator.


The index (subscript) of the operator.


Verbosity. Default is 1.


The block2 MPO object.


Construct MPO for the S^2 operator where S is the total spin operator. Supports SU2, SZ, and SGF modes.


Verbosity. Default is 1.


The block2 MPO object.

get_mpo_any_fermionic(op_list, ecore=None, **kwargs)

Construct MPO from a list of second quantized fermionic operators and coefficients. Supports the SGF mode only.

op_listlist[tuple[str, float]]

A list of second quantized fermionic operators and coefficients. + is creation, - is destroy. For example,

[ ('+_3 +_4 -_1 -_3', 0.0068705380508780715),
  ('+_3 +_4 -_4 -_3', -0.009852150878546906) ]
ecorefloat|complex or None

Constant term. Default is None (0.0).


Other options that should be passed to DMRGDriver.get_mpo.


The block2 MPO object.

get_mpo_any_pauli(op_list, ecore=None, **kwargs)

Construct MPO from a list of Pauli strings and coefficients. Supports the SGB mode with the pauli_mode = True in DMRGDriver.initialize_system only.

op_listlist[tuple[str, float]]

A list of Pauli strings and coefficients. Characters in the string can be IXYZ. For example,

[ ('IIXXXIIX', 0.0559742284070319),
  ('IIIXIIXZ', 0.0018380565450674) ]
ecorefloat|complex or None

Constant term. Default is None (0.0).


Other options that should be passed to DMRGDriver.get_mpo.


The block2 MPO object.

orbital_reordering(h1e, g2e, method='fiedler', **kwargs)

Find optimal orbital ordering for integrals h1e and g2e. Note that this method will not actually perform any orbital ordering. The exchange integral Kij (constructed from the given h1e and g2e) will be used for computing the cost function.


ndim = 2 one-electron integral.


ndim = 4 unpacked two-electron integral.


The algorithm name for orbital reordering. Can be “gaopt” or “fiedler” (default).


Only have effect when method == "gaopt". Custom options for the genetic orbital ordering algorithm. Possible keys are n_tasks, n_generations, n_configs, n_elite, clone_rate, and mutate_rate.


Optimal orbital ordering (permutation array).

orbital_reordering_interaction_matrix(imat, method='fiedler', **kwargs)

Find optimal orbital ordering using the orbital interaction matrix to compute the cost function. Note that this method will not actually perform any orbital ordering.


The orbital interaction matrix (ndim == 2) used for computing the cost function.


The algorithm name for orbital reordering. Can be “gaopt” or “fiedler” (default).


Only have effect when method == "gaopt". Custom options for the genetic orbital ordering algorithm. Possible keys are n_tasks, n_generations, n_configs, n_elite, clone_rate, and mutate_rate.


Optimal orbital ordering (permutation array).

dmrg(mpo, ket, n_sweeps=10, tol=1e-08, bond_dims=None, noises=None, thrds=None, iprint=0, dav_type=None, cutoff=1e-20, twosite_to_onesite=None, dav_max_iter=4000, dav_def_max_size=50, proj_mpss=None, proj_weights=None, store_wfn_spectra=True, spectra_with_multiplicity=False, lowmem_noise=False, sweep_start=0, forward=None)

Perform the ground state and/or excited state Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) algorithm, which finds the solution of the following optimization problem:

\[E_0 = \min_{\mathrm{ket}} \frac{\langle \mathrm{ket} | \mathrm{mpo} | \mathrm{ket} \rangle} {\langle \mathrm{ket} | \mathrm{ket} \rangle}.\]

Statistics during the sweeps can be obtained from self._dmrg after the method returns.


The block2 MPO object.


The block2 MPS object. The given MPS ket will be used as the initial guess for DMRG. When this method returns, the MPS ket will contain the optimized (ground and/or excited) state. If ket.nroots != 1, state-averaged DMRG will be done to find the ground and excited states. If == 2, will perform 2-site DMRG algorithm. If == 1, will perform 1-site DMRG algorithm. The initial input ket is not required to be normalized. The output ket will always be normalized.


Maximal number of DMRG sweeps. Default is 10.


Energy converge threshold. If the absolute value of the total energy difference between two consecutive sweeps is below tol, and the noise for the current sweep is zero, the algorithm will terminate. Default is 1E-8.

bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of MPS bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of the initial MPS will be used for all sweeps.

noisesNone or list[float]

List of prefactor of the noise for each sweep. Default is None. If None, this is set to [1e-5] * 5 + [0]. Typically, this should be zero for the last few sweeps.

thrdsNone or list[float]

List of the convergence threshold (square of the residual) of the Davidson algorithms each sweep. Default is None. If None, this is set to [1e-6] * 4 + [1e-7] * 1 for double precision and [1e-5] * 4 + [5e-6] * 1 for single precision.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).

dav_typeNone or str

The type of the Davidson algorithm. If None, this is set to “Normal”. Possible other options are “NonHermitian” (required for non-Hermitian Hamiltonian), “Exact” (constructing the full dense effective Hamiltonian and find all eigenvalues), “ExactNonHermitian”, “DavidsonPrecond”, and “NoPrecond”. “Normal” will use the Olsen preconditioning, “DavidsonPrecond” will use the Davidson preconditioning, and “NoPrecond” will not use any preconditioning. Default is None.


States with eigenvalue below this number will be discarded, even when the bond dimension is large enough to keep this state. Default is 1E-20.

twosite_to_onesiteNone or int

If not None and == 2 in the initial MPS, will perform twosite_to_onesite 2-site sweeps and then switch to the 1-site algorithm for the remaining sweeps. Default is None (no switching).


Maximal number of Davidson iteration. Default is 4000.


Maximal size of the Davidson deflation space (Krylov space). Default is 50. For very large MPS bond dimension and very small MPO bond dimension, one may reduce this number to save memory.

proj_mpssNone or list[MPS]

If not None, the MPS given in proj_mpss will be projected out during sweeps. Can be used for performing state-specific excited state DMRG. Default is None.

proj_weightsNone or list[float]

The weights of the MPS projection. This should be larger than the energy gap between the targeted state and the projected state. But if this is too large, the error in the projected state will affect the quality of the targeted state.


If True, the MPS singular value spectra will be stored as self._sweep_wfn_spectra which can be later used to compute the bipartite entropy. If False, the spectra will not be computed. Default is True.


If True, in SU2 mode, the MPS singular value will be multiplied by the multiplicity of the spin quantum number. Default is False.


If True, the noise step will cost less memory. Default is False.


The starting sweep index in bond_dims, noises, and thrds. Default is 0. This may be useful in restarting, when one wants to skip the sweep parameters for a few already finished sweeps.

forwardNone or bool

The direction of the first sweep (forward == True means the left-to-right direction). If None, will use the canonical center of MPS to determine the direction. Default is None. This may be useful in restarting.

energyfloat|complex or list[float|complex]

When ket.nroots == 1, this is the ground state energy. When ket.nroots != 1, this is a list of ground and excited state energies.

td_dmrg(mpo, ket, delta_t=None, target_t=None, final_mps_tag=None, te_type='rk4', n_steps=None, bond_dims=None, n_sub_sweeps=2, normalize_mps=False, hermitian=False, iprint=0, cutoff=1e-20, krylov_conv_thrd=5e-06, krylov_subspace_size=20)

Perform the time-dependent DMRG algorithm, which computes:

\[|\mathrm{ket'}\rangle = \exp (-t \cdot \mathrm{mpo} ) |\mathrm{ket}\rangle.\]

Statistics during the sweeps can be obtained from self._te after the method returns.


The block2 MPO object.


The block2 MPS object at time zero. When this MPS has a very low bond dimension, this implementation of td-DMRG may be inaccurate. When this method returns, this MPS will not be modified.

delta_tNone or float or complex

The time step. When this is complex, SymmetryTypes.CPX must be used. If None, will be determined using delta_t = target_t / n_steps.

target_tNone or float or complex

The target time (the time parameter in the final state). If None, will be determined using target_t = delta_t * n_steps.

final_mps_tagNone or str

The tag of the output MPS. If None, the output MPS tag will be "TD-" + One can set this to be same as the tag of ket, then the ket object should not be used after calling this method.


The time evolution algorithm. Can be “rk4” (the time-step-targeting method) or “tdvp” (the time-dependent variational principle method).

n_stepsNone or int

The number of time steps. If None, will be determined using n_steps = int(abs(target_t) / abs(delta_t) + 0.1).

bond_dimsNone or list[int]

MPS bond dimension for each time step. If None, will be set to the bond dimension of the initial MPS for all steps.


For te_type = "rk4", this is the number of sweeps performed for each time step. Default is 2.


If True, MPS will be normalized after each time step. Default is False.


If True, the mpo operator will be assumed to be Hermitian. Default is False. Only have effects when te_type = "tdvp".


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


States with eigenvalue below this number will be discarded, even when the bond dimension is large enough to keep this state. Default is 1E-20.


Convergence threshold (square of the residual) of the Matrix exponentiation algorithm. Default is 5E-6. Only have effects when te_type = "tdvp".


Maximal size of the Krylov space of the Matrix exponentiation algorithm. Default is 20. Only have effects when te_type = "tdvp".


The time evolved MPS.


Obtain the statistics of DMRG sweeps. This should be called after DMRGDriver.dmrg.


The MPS bond dimension for each sweep.


The maximal discarded weight (sum of discarded eigenvalues) for each sweep.


The list of ground (and possibly excited) state energies at each sweep.


Compute the bipartite entanglement of the MPS.

ketMPS or None

The MPS. If None, will use self._sweep_wfn_spectra computed during the DMRG/expectation sweeps if this is called after calling DMRGDriver.dmrg or DMRGDriver.expectation. Default is None.


The bipartite entanglement of the MPS after each non-terminating site.

get_n_orb_rdm_mpos(orb_type=1, ij_symm=True, iprint=0)

Internal method for MPO construction for computing the 1- or 2-orbital reduced density matrices.


1 or 2. Indicating whether the 1- or 2-orbital reduced density matrices should be computed. Default is 1.


Whether the ij index symmetry should be used. Default is True.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).

mposdict[tuple[int…], list[MPO]]

The MPOs for computing the 1- or 2-orbital reduced density matrices.

get_orbital_entropies(ket, orb_type=1, ij_symm=True, use_npdm=True, iprint=0)

Compute the 1- or 2- orbital entropies for the given MPS.


The given MPS for computing orbital entropies.


1 or 2. Indicating whether the 1- or 2-orbital reduced density matrices should be computed. Default is 1.


Whether the ij index symmetry should be used. Default is True.


Whether the more efficient algorithm based on N-PDM should be used. Default is True.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


When orb_type == 1, this is ndim == 1 vector containing the 1-orbital entropies. When orb_type == 2, this is ndim == 2 matrix containing the 2-orbital entropies.

get_orbital_entropies_use_npdm(ket, orb_type=1, iprint=0)

Compute the 1- or 2- orbital entropies for the given MPS using the efficient algorithm based on N-PDM.


The given MPS for computing orbital entropies.


1 or 2. Indicating whether the 1- or 2-orbital reduced density matrices should be computed. Default is 1.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


When orb_type == 1, this is ndim == 1 vector containing the 1-orbital entropies. When orb_type == 2, this is ndim == 2 matrix containing the 2-orbital entropies.

get_orbital_interaction_matrix(ket, use_npdm=True, iprint=0)

Compute orbital interaction matrix based on the 1- or 2- orbital entropies for the given MPS.


The given MPS for computing orbital interaction matrix.


Whether the more efficient algorithm based on N-PDM should be used. Default is True.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


The ndim == 2 orbital interaction matrix.

get_conventional_npdm(ket, pdm_type=1, bra=None, soc=False, site_type=1, iprint=0, max_bond_dim=None)

Compute the N-Particle Density Matrix (NPDM) for the given MPS using the conventional method.


The given MPS for computing NPDM.


1 or 2. Whether the 1PDM or 2PDM should be computed. Default is 1. For pdm_type == 2, the SGF mode is not supported.

braMPS or None

If None, will compute the normal NPDM. If not None, will compute the transition NPDM between bra and ket.


When pdm_type == 1 this indicates whether the 1 particle transition triplet density matrix (for spin-orbit coupling) should be computed instead of the normal 1PDM. Only have effects in the SU2 mode. Default is False.


0 or 1 or 2. Indicates whether the NPDM should be computed using the 0- or 1- or 2-site algorithms. Default is 1. 0-site and 1-site are faster than the 2-site algorithm for this purpose.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).

max_bond_dimNone or int

If not None, the MPS bond dimension will be restricted during the sweeps. Default is None.


When pdm_type == 1:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \mathrm{dm}[\sigma, i, j] = \langle a_{i\sigma}^\dagger a_{j\sigma} \rangle & (\mathrm{SZ}) \\ \mathrm{dm}[i, j] = \sum_{\sigma} \langle a_{i\sigma}^\dagger a_{j\sigma} \rangle & (\mathrm{SU2}) \\ \mathrm{dm}[i, j] = \langle T_{ij} \rangle & (\mathrm{SU2/\ soc}) \\ \mathrm{dm}[i, j] = \langle a_{i}^\dagger a_{j} \rangle & (\mathrm{SGF}) \end{cases}\end{split}\]

When pdm_type == 2 (for SU2/SZ only):

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \mathrm{dm}[0, i, j, k, l] = \langle a_{i\alpha}^\dagger a_{j\alpha}^\dagger a_{k\alpha} a_{l\alpha} \rangle \\ \mathrm{dm}[1, i, j, k, l] = \langle a_{i\alpha}^\dagger a_{j\beta}^\dagger a_{k\beta} a_{l\alpha} \rangle \\ \mathrm{dm}[2, i, j, k, l] = \langle a_{i\beta}^\dagger a_{j\beta}^\dagger a_{k\beta} a_{l\beta} \rangle \end{cases}\end{split}\]
get_conventional_1pdm(ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the 1-Particle Density Matrix (1PDM) for the given MPS using the conventional method. See DMRGDriver.get_conventional_npdm.

get_conventional_2pdm(ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the 2-Particle Density Matrix (2PDM) for the given MPS using the conventional method. See DMRGDriver.get_conventional_npdm.

get_conventional_trans_1pdm(bra, ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the Transition 1-Particle Density Matrix (T-1PDM) between the given bra and ket MPSs using the conventional method. See DMRGDriver.get_conventional_npdm.

get_conventional_trans_2pdm(bra, ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the Transition 2-Particle Density Matrix (T-2PDM) between the given bra and ket MPSs using the conventional method. See DMRGDriver.get_conventional_npdm.

get_npdm(ket, pdm_type=1, bra=None, soc=False, site_type=0, algo_type=None, npdm_expr=None, mask=None, simulated_parallel=0, fused_contraction_rotation=True, cutoff=1e-24, iprint=0, max_bond_dim=None)

Compute the N-Particle Density Matrix (NPDM) for the given MPS. Supports SU2, SZ, and SGF modes.


The given MPS for computing NPDM.


Integer >= 1. The order of the PDM. Default is 1.

braMPS or None

If None, will compute the normal NPDM. If not None, will compute the transition NPDM between bra and ket.


When pdm_type == 1 this indicates whether the 1 particle transition triplet density matrix (for spin-orbit coupling) should be computed instead of the normal 1PDM. Only have effects in the SU2 mode. Default is False. If True, NPDMAlgorithmTypes.Conventional is required in algo_type.


0 or 1 or 2. Indicates whether the NPDM should be computed using the 0- or 1- or 2-site algorithms. Default is 0. 0-site and 1-site are faster than the 2-site algorithm for this purpose.

algo_typeNone or NPDMAlgorithmTypes

Strategies for computing N-particle density matrices. If None, this is set to NPDMAlgorithmTypes.Default. Default is None.

npdm_exprNone or str or list[str]

The operator expression for the NPDM. If None, this will be determined automatically. Multiple operator expressions are allowed in the SZ and SGF modes. Default is None.

maskNone or list[int] or list[list[int]]

The mask for setting repeated indices for the operator expression. Default is None, meaning that all indices can be different.


Number of processors for simulating parallel algorithm serially. Default is zero, meaning that the serial algorithm is used if self.mpi is None or the parallel algorithm is used if self.mpi is not None. When self.mpi is None, one can optionally set this to a positive number to simulate the parallel algorithm which will be computationally less efficient but requiring less amount of memory.


Indicating whether contraction and rotation should be done within one-step, without using large memory for blocking (only saving memory when no explicit left/right_contact is invoked, which is the case for site_type == 0). Default is True.


States with eigenvalue below this number will be discarded, even when the bond dimension is large enough to keep this state. Default is 1E-24.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).

max_bond_dimNone or int

If not None, the MPS bond dimension will be restricted during the sweeps. Default is None.

dmsnp.ndarray[flat|complex] or list[np.ndarray[flat|complex]]

A list of density matrices for different spin components in the SZ mode, or the spin-traced density matrix in the SU2 mode, or the spin-orbit density matrix in the SGF mode.

In the SU2 mode (when npdm_expr is None):

\[\mathrm{dm}[i, j, \cdots, b, a] = \sum_{\sigma,\sigma',\cdots} \langle a_{i\sigma}^\dagger a_{j\sigma'}^\dagger \cdots a_{b\sigma'} a_{a\sigma} \rangle\]

In the SZ mode (when npdm_expr is None):

\[\begin{split}\mathrm{dms}[0][i, \cdots, j, k, c, b, \cdots, a] = \langle a_{i\alpha}^\dagger \cdots a_{j\alpha}^\dagger a_{k\alpha} a_{c\alpha} a_{b\alpha} \cdots a_{a\alpha} \rangle \\ \mathrm{dms}[1][i, \cdots, j, k, c, b, \cdots, a] = \langle a_{i\alpha}^\dagger \cdots a_{j\alpha}^\dagger a_{k\beta} a_{c\beta} a_{b\alpha} \cdots a_{a\alpha} \rangle \\ \mathrm{dms}[2][i, \cdots, j, k, c, b, \cdots, a] = \langle a_{i\alpha}^\dagger \cdots a_{j\beta}^\dagger a_{k\beta} a_{c\beta} a_{b\beta} \cdots a_{a\alpha} \rangle \\ \cdots \\ \mathrm{dms}[\mathrm{pdm\_type}][i, \cdots, j, k, c, b, \cdots, a] = \langle a_{i\beta}^\dagger \cdots a_{j\beta}^\dagger a_{k\beta} a_{c\beta} a_{b\beta} \cdots a_{a\beta} \rangle\end{split}\]

In the SGF mode (when npdm_expr is None):

\[\mathrm{dm}[i, j, \cdots, b, a] = \langle a_{i}^\dagger a_{j}^\dagger \cdots a_{b} a_{a} \rangle\]
get_1pdm(ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the 1-Particle Density Matrix (1PDM) for the given MPS. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_2pdm(ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the 2-Particle Density Matrix (2PDM) for the given MPS. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_3pdm(ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the 3-Particle Density Matrix (3PDM) for the given MPS. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_4pdm(ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the 4-Particle Density Matrix (4PDM) for the given MPS. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_trans_1pdm(bra, ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the Transition 1-Particle Density Matrix (T-1PDM) between the given bra and ket MPSs. Note that there can be an overall phase uncertainty for transition NPDMs. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_trans_2pdm(bra, ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the Transition 2-Particle Density Matrix (T-2PDM) between the given bra and ket MPSs. Note that there can be an overall phase uncertainty for transition NPDMs. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_trans_3pdm(bra, ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the Transition 3-Particle Density Matrix (T-3PDM) between the given bra and ket MPSs. Note that there can be an overall phase uncertainty for transition NPDMs. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_trans_4pdm(bra, ket, *args, **kwargs)

Compute the Transition 4-Particle Density Matrix (T-4PDM) between the given bra and ket MPSs. Note that there can be an overall phase uncertainty for transition NPDMs. See DMRGDriver.get_npdm.

get_csf_coefficients(ket, cutoff=0.1, given_dets=None, max_print=200, fci_conv=False, iprint=1)

Find the dominant Configuration State Functions (CSFs, in SU2 mode) or determinants (DETs, in SZ/SGF mode) and their coefficients in the given MPS.


The given MPS for computing CSF/DET coefficients. If targeting non-singlet state in the SU2 mode, the MPS should be in the singlet embedding format.


The lower bound for the absolute value of the CSF/DET coefficients that should be searched. Default is 0.1. If cutoff == 0.0, will compute coefficients for all CSF/DET, which may take an exponential amount of time.

given_detsNone or list[str]

If not None, will compute the coefficients for the given CSF/DET set. If cutoff != 0.0 and (given_dets == [] or given_dets is None), will consider all possible CSF/DET with the absolute value of the coefficients above cutoff. If cutoff != 0.0 and given_dets is not None and len(given_dets) != 0, the cutoff and given_dets will apply simultaneously, namely, a subset of given_dets which satisfies the cutoff constraint will be computed.


The max number of CSF/DET and their coefficients that should be print. When the number of computed CSF/DET is larger than this number, only the dominant ones will be printed. When iprint == 0, this argument has no effect and nothing will be printed.


If True, will set the DET coefficients to match the FCI convention, by multiplying dvals by +1/-1. Only have effects in SZ/SGF modes. Default is False.


Verbosity. Default is 1.


Array of CSF/DET, represented as a matrix with shape (n_dets, n_sites). The occupancy value 0, 1, 2, 3 represents “0” (empty), “+” (spin-up coupling), “-” (spin-down coupling), and “2” (doubly occupied) in the SU2 mode, or “0” (empty), “a” (alpha occupied), “b” (beta occupied), and “2” (doubly occupied) in the SZ/SGF mode.


Array of coefficients for each CSF/DET with size n_dets. Note that the weight is the square of coefficient. There can be an overall phase uncertainty for all coefficients.

compress_mps(ket, max_bond_dim=None)

Compress the MPS to change its maximal bond dimension (inplace).


The block2 MPS object.

max_bond_dimNone or int

If not None, will restrict the maximal bond dimension of the MPS to the given number. Default is None.


The MPS with changed bond dimension. Note that this operation can change the canonical center of the MPS as a side effect.

align_mps_center(ket, ref, max_bond_dim=None)

Change the canonical center of the given MPS, or align the canonical center for two MPSs (inplace).


The block2 MPS object.

refMPS or int

If this is MPS, will change the canonical center of ket so that its center is the same as that of ref. If this is int, will set the canonical center of ket to the given number. Only the left/right canonical forms are allowed, namely, ref cannot correspond to a canonical center in the middle of MPS.

max_bond_dimNone or int

If not None, will restrict the maximal bond dimension of the resulting MPS to the given number. Default is None.

adjust_mps(ket, dot=None)

Adjust the MPS (inplace) for performing 1-site or 2-site sweep algorithms, and find the direction of the next sweep. When restarting from the middle, this method should not be called.


The block2 MPS object.

dotNone or int

If not None, should be 1 or 2 and the “site type” of the MPS will be changed to “1-site” or “2-site”. If None, the “site type” of the MPS will not be changed. Default is None.


The MPS with the desired “site type”.


Indicating whether the direction of the next sweep should be forward or not.

split_mps(ket, iroot, tag)

Split a state-averaged MPS into individual MPSs.


The state-averaged MPS object with ket.nroots > 1.


The root index to extract from the state-averaged MPS. Counting from zero. 0 <= iroot < ket.nroots.


The tag of the extracted MPS.


The extracted MPS.

multiply(bra, mpo, ket, n_sweeps=10, tol=1e-08, bond_dims=None, bra_bond_dims=None, noises=None, noise_mpo=None, thrds=None, left_mpo=None, cutoff=1e-24, linear_max_iter=4000, iprint=0)

Apply the MPO to the MPS to get a new MPS (when left_mpo is None), which is

\[|\mathrm{bra}\rangle = \mathrm{mpo} |\mathrm{ket}\rangle\]

or apply the inverse of an MPO to the MPS to get a new MPS,

\[|\mathrm{bra}\rangle = \frac{\mathrm{mpo} |\mathrm{ket}\rangle}{\mathrm{left\_mpo}}\]

or fit the MPS to an MPS with a different bond dimension (when left_mpo is None and mpo is the identity MPO).


The block2 MPS object. The given MPS bra will be used as the initial guess for the left-hand side MPS. When this method returns, the MPS bra will contain the optimized state fitted to the value of the right-hand side.


The block2 MPO object (the right-hand side operator).


The block2 MPS object (the right-hand side state).


Maximal number of sweeps. Default is 10.


converge threshold for the norm of bra (when left_mpo is None) or the overlap <bra|ket> (when left_mpo is not None). Default is 1E-8.

bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of ket bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of ket will be used.

bra_bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of bra bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of initial bra will be used.

noisesNone or list[float]

List of prefactor of the noise for each sweep. Default is None. If None or [0], will not add any noise.

noise_mpoNone or MPO

If not None and noises is not zero or None, This MPO will be used for computing noise and left_mpo will be ignored. This should be used for the MPS compression with perturbative noise task.

thrdsNone or list[float]

List of the convergence threshold (square of the residual) of the linear solver. Default is None. If None, this is set to [1e-6] * 4 + [1e-7] * 1 for double precision and [1e-5] * 4 + [5e-6] * 1 for single precision.

left_mpoNone or MPO

If not None and noise_mpo is None, will apply the inverse of this MPO to the right-hand side.


States with eigenvalue below this number will be discarded, even when the bond dimension is large enough to keep this state. Default is 1E-24.


Maximal number of iteration in the linear solver. Default is 4000.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


The norm of bra (when left_mpo is None) or the overlap <bra|ket> (when left_mpo is not None).

addition(bra, ket_a, ket_b, mpo_a=None, mpo_b=None, n_sweeps=10, tol=1e-08, bra_bond_dims=None, ket_a_bond_dims=None, ket_b_bond_dims=None, noises=None, noise_mpo=None, cutoff=1e-24, iprint=0)

Perform the addition of two MPSs to generate a new MPS (using fitting):

\[|\mathrm{bra}\rangle = \mathrm{mpo\_a} |\mathrm{ket\_a}\rangle + \mathrm{mpo\_b} |\mathrm{ket\_b}\rangle.\]

The block2 MPS object. The given MPS bra will be used as the initial guess for the left-hand side MPS. When this method returns, the MPS bra will contain the optimized state fitted to the value of the right-hand side.


The first input block2 MPS object.


The second input block2 MPS object.

mpo_aNone or int or float or complex or MPO

The first input block2 MPO object. If None or a scalar, this will be the identity MPO or a scalar times the identity MPO. Default is None.

mpo_bNone or int or float or complex or MPO

The second input block2 MPO object. If None or a scalar, this will be the identity MPO or a scalar times the identity MPO. Default is None.


Maximal number of sweeps. Default is 10.


converge threshold for the norm of bra. Default is 1E-8.

bra_bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of bra bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of initial bra will be used.

ket_a_bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of ket_a bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of ket_a will be used.

ket_b_bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of ket_b bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of ket_b will be used.

noisesNone or list[float]

List of prefactor of the noise for each sweep. Default is None. If None or [0], will not add any noise.

noise_mpoNone or MPO

If not None and noises is not zero or None, This MPO will be used for computing noise.


States with eigenvalue below this number will be discarded, even when the bond dimension is large enough to keep this state. Default is 1E-24.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


The norm of bra.

expectation(bra, mpo, ket, store_bra_spectra=False, store_ket_spectra=False, iprint=0)

Compute the expectation value between MPO and bra and ket MPSs:

\[X = \langle \mathrm{bra} | \mathrm{mpo} | \mathrm{ket} \rangle.\]

The “bra” MPS. In complex mode, the complex conjugate of bra is implied.


The block2 MPO object, representing the operator.


The “ket” MPS.


If True, the bra MPS singular value spectra will be stored as self._sweep_wfn_spectra which can be later used to compute the bipartite entropy. If False, the spectra will not be computed. Default is False. Only one of store_bra_spectra and store_ket_spectra can be True.


If True, the ket MPS singular value spectra will be stored as self._sweep_wfn_spectra which can be later used to compute the bipartite entropy. If False, the spectra will not be computed. Default is False. Only one of store_bra_spectra and store_ket_spectra can be True.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


The expectation value.

greens_function(bra, mpo, rmpo, ket, omega, eta, n_sweeps=10, tol=1e-08, bra_bond_dims=None, ket_bond_dims=None, noises=None, thrds=None, cutoff=1e-24, linear_max_iter=4000, iprint=0)

Compute the correction vector MPS for Green’s function:

\[|\mathrm{bra}\rangle = \frac {\mathrm{rmpo} |\mathrm{ket} \rangle} {\mathrm{mpo} + \omega + \eta \mathrm{i}}\]

and returns the diagonal element of Green’s function:

\[G = \langle \mathrm{bra}|\mathrm{rmpo}|\mathrm{ket}\rangle.\]

The block2 MPS object. The given MPS bra will be used as the initial guess for the correction vector MPS. When this method returns, the MPS bra will contain the optimized state fitted to the value of the right-hand side of the correction vector equation.


The input block2 MPO object in the denominator.


The input block2 MPO object in the numerator.


The input block2 MPS object in the numerator.


The frequency.


The broadening factor.


Maximal number of sweeps. Default is 10.


Converge threshold for the absolute value of the diagonal Green’s function value <bra|rmpo|ket>. Default is 1E-8.

bra_bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of bra bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of initial bra will be used.

ket_bond_dimsNone or list[int]

List of ket bond dimensions for each sweep. Default is None. If None, the bond dimension of ket will be used.

noisesNone or list[float]

List of prefactor of the noise for each sweep. Default is None. If None or [0], will not add any noise.

thrdsNone or list[float]

List of the convergence threshold (square of the residual) of the linear solver. Default is None. If None, this is set to [1e-6] * 4 + [1e-7] * 1 for double precision and [1e-5] * 4 + [5e-6] * 1 for single precision.


States with eigenvalue below this number will be discarded, even when the bond dimension is large enough to keep this state. Default is 1E-24.


Maximal number of iteration in the linear solver. Default is 4000.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


The diagonal element of Green’s function <bra|rmpo|ket>.


Internal method for fixing the canonical form of MPS loaded from disk when the calculation was interrupted in the middle of a sweep.


The MPS loaded from disk.

copy_mps(mps, tag)

Make a deep copy of an MPS.


The input MPS.


The tag of the output MPS (for disk storage).


The copy of MPS.

load_mps(tag, nroots=1)

Load an MPS from disk (from the DMRGDriver.scratch folder).


The tag of the MPS to be loaded.


Number of roots in the MPS. Default is 1.


The loaded MPS.

mps_change_singlet_embedding(mps, tag, forward, left_vacuum=None)

Change MPS between the Singlet-Embedding (SE) and Non-Singlet-Embedding (NSE) formats.


The input MPS.


The tag of the output MPS.


If True, will change from NSE to SE. Otherwise, will change from SE to NSE.

left_vacuumNone or SX

If forward == True and left_vacuum is not None, this is the left vacuum to be used in SE MPS. If None, the left vacuum quantum number will be automatically determined. Default is None.


The output MPS.

mps_change_to_singlet_embedding(mps, tag, left_vacuum=None)

Change MPS from Non-Singlet-Embedding (NSE) to Singlet-Embedding (SE).


The input MPS.


The tag of the output MPS.

left_vacuumNone or SX

If not None, this is the left vacuum to be used in SE MPS. If None, the left vacuum quantum number will be automatically determined. Default is None.


The output MPS.

mps_change_from_singlet_embedding(mps, tag, left_vacuum=None)

Change MPS from Singlet-Embedding (SE) to Non-Singlet-Embedding (NSE).


The input MPS.


The tag of the output MPS.

left_vacuumNone or SX

Not used. Default is None.


The output MPS.

mps_change_precision(mps, tag)

Change MPS from single to double precision (when symm_type has the SymmetryTypes.SP modifier) or from double to single precision (when symm_type does not have the SymmetryTypes.SP modifier).


The input MPS.


The tag of the output MPS.


The output MPS.

mps_change_complex(mps, tag)

Change MPS from complex to real (when symm_type has the SymmetryTypes.CPX modifier) or from real to complex (when symm_type does not have the SymmetryTypes.CPX modifier). For complex to real transformation, the imaginary part will be discarded.


The input MPS.


The tag of the output MPS.


The output MPS.

mps_change_to_sz(mps, tag, sz=None)

Change MPS from spin-adapted to non-spin-adapted. Only works in SU2 mode. The resulting MPS should be used in SZ mode.


The input MPS.


The tag of the output MPS.

szNone or int

If not None, will restrict two times the project spin of the output MPS to be the given number. If None, the output MPS will contain all possible project spin components. Default is None.


The output MPS.

get_random_mps(tag, bond_dim=500, center=0, dot=2, target=None, nroots=1, occs=None, full_fci=True, left_vacuum=None, casci_ncore=0, casci_nvirt=0, mrci_order=0, orig_dot=False)

Create a random MPS, which can be used as initial guess for various sweep algorithms, such as DMRG.


The tag of the output MPS, for disk storage.


The maximal bond dimension hint of the MPS. Default is 500. Note that the output MPS may not have exactly the given bond dimension.


The canonical center of the MPS. Default is zero.


Can be 1 or 2. The “site type” of the MPS. Default is 2.

targetNone or SX.

The target quantum number of the MPS. If None, will use Default is None.


Number of roots in the MPS. Default is 1. nroots > 1 indicates the state-averaged MPS (which may be used for excited state DMRG).

occsNone or list[float]

If not None, the hint of the occupancy information at each site of the MPS. Default is None, and a uniform probability of occupancy will be assumed.


If True, the full fci space is used (including block quantum numbers outside the space of the target quantum number). Default is True.

left_vacuumNone or SX

If not None, this is the left vacuum to be used in SE MPS. If None, self.left_vacuum will be used. Only has effects in SU2 mode for SE MPS with non-singlet target.


If not zero, The number of core orbitals in a CASCI MPS. These orbitals will always be kept doubly occupied (if mrci_order == 0). Default is zero.


If not zero, The number of virtual orbitals in a CASCI MPS. These orbitals will always be kept empty (if mrci_order == 0). Default is zero.


If not zero, the core and virtual orbitals will have at most mrci_order holes and electrons, respectively. Default is zero.


If False, will always create “1-site” MPS and then change to the suitable “site type”. Otherwise, the “1-site” or “2-site” MPS will be directly created. Default is False.


The output MPS (normalized).

get_ancilla_mps(tag, center=0, dot=2, target=None, full_fci=True)

Create the MPS with ancilla sites for finite-temperature algorithms. This is the MPS at infinite temperature.


The tag of the output MPS, for disk storage.


The canonical center of the MPS. Default is zero.


Can be 1 or 2. The “site type” of the MPS. Default is 2.

targetNone or SX.

The target quantum number of the MPS. If None, will use Default is None.


If True, the full FCI space is used (including block quantum numbers outside the space of the target quantum number). Default is True.


The output MPS.

get_mps_from_csf_coefficients(dets, dvals, tag, dot=2, target=None, full_fci=True, left_vacuum=None)

Construct an MPS from the given linear combination of Configuration State Functions (CSFs, in SU2 mode) or determinants (DETs, in SZ/SGF mode).

detsnp.ndarray[np.uint8] or list[str]

Array of CSF/DET, represented as a matrix with shape (n_dets, n_sites). The occupancy value 0, 1, 2, 3 represents “0” (empty), “+” (spin-up coupling), “-” (spin-down coupling), and “2” (doubly occupied) in the SU2 mode, or “0” (empty), “a” (alpha occupied), “b” (beta occupied), and “2” (doubly occupied) in the SZ/SGF mode.


Array of coefficients for each CSF/DET with size n_dets.


The tag of the output MPS, for disk storage.


Can be 1 or 2. The “site type” of the MPS. Default is 2.

targetNone or SX.

The target quantum number of the MPS. If None, will use Default is None.


If True, the full fci space is used (including block quantum numbers outside the space of the target quantum number). Default is True.

left_vacuumNone or SX

If not None, this is the left vacuum to be used in SE MPS. If None, self.left_vacuum will be used. Only has effects in SU2 mode for SE MPS with non-singlet target.


The output MPS.


Get the ExprBuilder object for setting terms in second quantized operators.


The ExprBuilder object.


Release stack memory allocated for this DMRGDriver object. Once finalized, this object should not be used.

class pyblock2.driver.core.SOCDMRGDriver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: DMRGDriver

Simple Python interface for DMRG calculations with Spin-Orbit-Coupling (SOC).

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize DMRGDriver.


The symmetry/floating point number mode. Default: SymmetryTypes.SU2.


The working directory (scratch space). Default is “./nodex”.


If True, large temporary files in the scratch space will be removed once the DMRG finishes successfully. MPS files will not be removed. Default is True.

restart_dirNone or str

If not None, MPS will be copied to the given directory after each DMRG sweep. Default is None (MPS will not be copied).

n_threadsNone or int

Number of threads. When MPI is used, this is the number of threads for each MPI processor. Default is None, and the max number of threads available on this node will be used.


Number of threads for parallelization inside MKL (for dense matrix multiplication). n_mkl_threads should be a factor of n_threads. When n_mkl_threads is not 1, nested threading will be used. Default is 1.

mpiNone or bool

If True, MPI parallelization is used. If False or None, serial implementation is used. Default is None.


The memory used for storing renormalized operators (in bytes). Default is 1 GB. When MPI is used, this is the number per MPI processor. Note that this argument is only responsible for part of the memory consumption in block2. The other part will be dynamically determined.


The fraction of stack space occupied by the main stacks. Default is 0.4.


Floating-point number (absolute) precision for compressed storage of renormalized operators. Default is 1E-16.

hybrid_mpo_dmrg(mpo, mpo_cpx, ket, n_sweeps=10, iprint=0, tol=1e-08, **kwargs)

Perform the ground state and excited state Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) algorithm using the sum of a real MPO and a complex MPO.


The real MPO.


The complex MPO.


The block2 MPS object. The given MPS ket will be used as the initial guess for DMRG. When this method returns, the MPS ket will contain the optimized (ground and/or excited) state. If ket.nroots != 1, state-averaged DMRG will be done to find the ground and excited states. If == 2, will perform 2-site DMRG algorithm. If == 1, will perform 1-site DMRG algorithm. The initial input ket is not required to be normalized. The output ket will always be normalized.


Maximal number of DMRG sweeps. Default is 10.


Energy converge threshold. If the absolute value of the total energy difference between two consecutive sweeps is below tol, and the noise for the current sweep is zero, the algorithm will terminate. Default is 1E-8.


Verbosity. Default is 0 (quiet).


Other options that should be passed to DMRGDriver.dmrg.

energyfloat|complex or list[float|complex]

When ket.nroots == 1, this is the ground state energy. When ket.nroots != 1, this is a list of ground and excited state energies.

soc_two_step(energies, twoss, pdms_dict, hsomo, iprint=1)

The second step in the two-step SOC-DMRG.


Energy of the spin-free states.


Two times the total spin for each spin-free state.

pdms_dictdict[tuple[int, int], np.ndarray[float|complex]]

The 1-particle triplet transition density matrix for each pair of states.


The spin-orbit coupling integral in molecular orbitals.


Verbosity. Default is 1.


The ground and excited state energies including SOC effects.

class pyblock2.driver.core.NormalOrder

Bases: object

Static methods for normal ordering for quantum chemistry integrals.

static def_ix(cidx)

Internal method for index slicing.

static def_gctr(cidx, h1e, g2e)

Internal method for contraction with integrals.

static def_gctr_sz(cidx, h1e, g2e)

Internal method for contraction with integrals in the SZ mode.

static make_su2(h1e, g2e, const_e, cidx, use_wick)

Perform normal ordering of quantum chemistry integrals in the SU2 mode.

static make_sz(h1e, g2e, const_e, cidx, use_wick)

Perform normal ordering of quantum chemistry integrals in the SZ mode.

static make_sgf(h1e, g2e, const_e, cidx, use_wick)

Perform normal ordering of quantum chemistry integrals in the SGF mode.

class pyblock2.driver.core.WickNormalOrder

Bases: object

Static methods for normal ordering for quantum chemistry integrals implemented using automatic symbolic derivation.

static make_su2(h1e, g2e, const_e, cidx, iprint=1)

Perform normal ordering of quantum chemistry integrals in the SU2 mode.

static make_su2_open_shell(h1e, g2e, const_e, cidx, midx, iprint=1)

Perform normal ordering of quantum chemistry integrals in the SU2 mode for non-singlet reference states.

static make_sz(h1e, g2e, const_e, cidx, iprint=1)

Perform normal ordering of quantum chemistry integrals in the SZ mode.

static make_sgf(h1e, g2e, const_e, cidx, iprint=1)

Perform normal ordering of quantum chemistry integrals in the SGF mode.

class pyblock2.driver.core.ExprBuilder(bw=None)

Bases: object

Helper class for setting terms in second quantized operators.


The wrapper for low-level block2 modules.


The block2 GeneralFCIDUMP object.


Initialize ExprBuilder.

bwBlock2Wrapper or None

The wrapper for low-level block2 modules. If None, will assume the SU2 symmetry mode.


Add a constant term.

xint or float or complex

A scalar constant.


The ExprBuilder object.

add_term(expr, idx, val)

Add a string of elementary operators with the given coefficient (when the length of idx matches the length of expr), or a sum of strings of elementary operators with the same name, but different site indices and coefficients (when the length of idx is multiple of the length of expr).


The names of elementary operators, such as “cdCD”.


The site index of each elementary operator.

vallist[float|complex] or float or complex

The coefficient of the term or the coefficients of multiple terms.


The ExprBuilder object.

add_sum_term(expr, arr, cutoff=1e-12, fast=True, factor=1.0, perm=None)

Add terms with coefficients as a tensor.


The names of elementary operators, such as “cdCD”.


The coefficients as a tensor. The ndim of this tensor should match the length of expr.


If the absolute value of any coefficient is below this threshold, the term will not be included. Default is 1E-12.


If True, will use the fast C++ implementation. Default is True.


The scale factor for all terms.

permNone or list[int]

If not None, a permutation will be applied on the coefficient tensor indices. Default is None.


The ExprBuilder object.

add_terms(expr, arr, idx, cutoff=1e-12)

Add a sum of strings of elementary operators with the same name, but different site indices and coefficients.


The names of elementary operators, such as “cdCD”.


The list of coefficients.


The list of operator indices.


If the absolute value of any coefficient is below this threshold, the term will not be included. Default is 1E-12.


The ExprBuilder object.


Scale the coefficients of all terms by a scalar factor.

dfloat or complex

The scalar factor.


The ExprBuilder object.

finalize(adjust_order=True, merge=True, is_drt=False, fermionic_ops=None)

Finalize the symbolic expression.


If True, the order of operator indices will be automatically adjusted. This is normally required for MPO construction, unless the operator indices have already been sorted. Default is True.


If True, will merge terms whenever possible. Default is True.


If True, the DRT rule will be used. Only have effects in SU2 mode. Default is False.

fermionic_opsNone or str

If not None, the given set of operator names will be treated as Fermion operators (for computing signs for swapping operators). Default is None, and operators like “cdCD” will be treated as Fermion operators.


The block2 GeneralFCIDUMP object.

class pyblock2.driver.core.FermionTransform

Bases: object

Static methods for fermion to spin operator transforms.

static jordan_wigner(h1e, g2e)

Jordan-Wigner transform of quantum chemistry integrals.

class pyblock2.driver.core.OrbitalEntropy

Bases: object

Static methods for orbital entropy computations.

ops = ['1-n-N+nN', 'D-nD', 'd-Nd', 'Dd', 'C-nC', 'N-nN', 'Cd', '-Nd', 'c-Nc', 'Dc', 'n-nN', 'nD', 'Cc', '-Nc', 'nC', 'nN']

Entropy operators in SZ mode. See Table 4. in J. Chem. Theory Comput. 9, 2959-2973 (2013).

ops_ghf = ['1-N', 'D', 'C', 'N']

Entropy operators in SGF mode.

static parse_expr(x)

Internal method for paring entropy operator expressions.

static get_one_orb_rdm_h_terms(n_sites, is_sgf=False)

Internal method for computing symbolic terms in one-orbital RDM.

static get_two_orb_rdm_h_terms(n_sites, ij_symm=True, block_symm=True, is_sgf=False)

Internal method for computing symbolic terms in two-orbital RDM.

static get_one_orb_rdm_exprs(is_sgf=False)

Internal method for computing one-orbital RDM expressions (for NPDM engine).

static get_two_orb_rdm_exprs(is_sgf=False)

Internal method for computing two-orbital RDM expressions (for NPDM engine).

static get_two_orb_rdm_eigvals(ld, diag_only=False)

Internal method for solving eigenvalue problem for two-orbital RDM.

class pyblock2.driver.core.WickSpinAdaptation

Bases: object

Static methods for symbolic expression processing for normal ordering.

static spin_tag_to_pattern(x)

Internal method for transforming [1, 2, 2, 1] -> ((.+(.+.)0)1+.)0.

static adjust_spin_coupling(eq)

Internal method for the adjustment of spin coupling. Correct up to 4-body terms.

static get_eq_exprs(eq)

Internal method for transforming from symbolic equations to second quantized operator expressions that can be used in the SU2 mode.

class pyblock2.driver.core.SimilarityTransform

Bases: object

Static methods for DMRG with similarity transformed Hamiltonians.

static make_su2(h1e, g2e, ecore, t1, t2, scratch, n_elec, t3=None, ncore=0, ncas=-1, st_type=STTypes.H_HT_HT2T2, iprint=1)

Construct expression for the similarity transformed Hamiltonians in the SU2 mode.

static make_sz(h1e, g2e, ecore, t1, t2, scratch, n_elec, ncore=0, ncas=-1, st_type=STTypes.H_HT_HT2T2, iprint=1)

Construct expression for the similarity transformed Hamiltonians in the SZ mode.

static make_sgf(h1e, g2e, ecore, t1, t2, scratch, n_elec, t3=None, ncore=0, ncas=-1, st_type=STTypes.H_HT_HT2T2, iprint=1)

Construct expression for the similarity transformed Hamiltonians in the SGF mode.