MPS Orbital Rotation

In this part we explain how to tranform an MPS with one orbital basis to another orbital basis. For the case when the new basis is the one with natural orbitals, please see Input File: Advanced Usage for a simple solution.

We assume that the orbital rotation only happens within each irrep. If this is not the case, you need to first transform MPS from a higher-order point group to a lower-order point group, according to Point Group Mapping.


We consider, for example, the rotation from Hartree-Fock orbitals to localized orbitals within each irrep. As a first step, we construct these orbitals using pyscf:

from block2 import FCIDUMP, VectorUInt8
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf, lo, tools, ao2mo
from pyscf.mcscf import casci_symm
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.optimize
import numpy as np
mol = gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0; C 0 0 1.2425', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry='d2h')
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 26, 8)

ncore = mc.ncore
nactorb = mc.ncas

# localize orbitals
def scdm(coeff, overlap):
    aux = lo.orth.lowdin(overlap)
    no = coeff.shape[1]
    ova = coeff.T @ overlap @ aux
    piv = scipy.linalg.qr(ova, pivoting=True)[2]
    bc = ova[:, piv[:no]]
    ova =, bc)
    s12inv = lo.orth.lowdin(ova)
    return coeff @ bc @ s12inv

# sort orbitals by irrep
def irrep_sort(coeff):
    optimal_reorder = [0, 6, 3, 5, 7, 1, 4, 2]  # d2h
    orb_sym = casci_symm.label_symmetry_(mc, mo_coeff_act).orbsym
    orb_opt = [optimal_reorder[x] for x in orb_sym]
    idx = np.argsort(orb_opt)
    return coeff[:, idx], orb_sym[idx]

# HF orbitals (old basis)
mo_coeff_act = mc.mo_coeff[:, mc.ncore:mc.ncore + mc.ncas].copy()
mo_coeff_act, mo_orb_sym = irrep_sort(mo_coeff_act)

# Symmetrized localized orbitals (new basis)
lmo_coeff_act = mo_coeff_act.copy()
for isym in set(mo_orb_sym):
    mask = np.array(mo_orb_sym) == isym
    lmo_coeff_act[:, mask] = scdm(
        mo_coeff_act[:, mask], mol.intor('cint1e_ovlp_sph'))

where mo_coeff_act represents the AO to MO coefficients for the old orbitals, and lmo_coeff_act represents the AO to MO coefficients for the new orbitals. The two sets of orbitals share the same irrep labels mo_orb_sym.

It is not necessary that the orbitals should be sorted according to irrep. But if orbitals with the same irrep are far from each other, the orbital rotation may be likely non-local.

Next, we construct the rotation matrix between the two sets of orbitals:

# orbital transform rot[old, new]
orb_rot = np.linalg.pinv(mo_coeff_act) @ lmo_coeff_act
assert np.linalg.norm(orb_rot.T - np.linalg.inv(orb_rot)) < 1E-12
assert np.linalg.norm(lmo_coeff_act - mo_coeff_act @ orb_rot) < 1E-12

To make the transformation as local as possible (so that the required MPS bond dimension for time evolution can be lower), we need to do some premutation and flipping of signs in the rotation matrix and consequently the new orbitals:

# change det sign and reorder rot within each irrep
def regularize_rot_mat(rot, orb_sym, iprint=False):
    rot = rot.copy()
    for isym in set(orb_sym):
        mask = np.array(orb_sym) == isym
        # orbital matching (reordering within irrep)
        kmidx = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(
            1 - rot[mask, :][:, mask] ** 2)[1]
        if iprint:
            print("overlap before matching = ", np.sum(
                np.diag(rot[mask, :][:, mask]) ** 2))
        rot[:, mask] = rot[:, mask][:, kmidx]
        if iprint:
            print("overlap after matching = ", np.sum(
                np.diag(rot[mask, :][:, mask]) ** 2))
        # change sign to make it quasi-positive-definite
        for j in range(len(np.arange(len(mask))[mask])):
            mrot = rot[mask, :][:j + 1, :][:, mask][:, :j + 1]
            mrot_det = np.linalg.det(mrot)
            if iprint:
                print("ISYM = %d J = %d MDET = %15.10f" % (isym, j, mrot_det))
            if mrot_det < 0:
                mask0 = np.arange(len(mask), dtype=int)[mask][j]
                rot[:, mask0] = -rot[:, mask0]
    return rot

reg_orb_rot = regularize_rot_mat(orb_rot, mo_orb_sym)
assert np.linalg.det(reg_orb_rot) > 0

# regularized new basis
lmo_coeff_act = mo_coeff_act @ reg_orb_rot

Note that reg_orb_rot must have a +1 determinant, because otherwise the logarithm of it will have to be complex.

Now we can calculate the logarithm of the rotation matrix, namely, kappa:

# get logarithm of the rotation matrix
def get_kappa(rot, orb_sym):
    kappa = np.zeros_like(rot)
    for isym in set(orb_sym):
        mask = np.array(orb_sym) == isym
        mrot = rot[mask, :][:, mask]
        # scipy.linalg.logm works perfectly for
        # quasi-positive-definite matrices
        mkappa = scipy.linalg.logm(mrot)
        assert mkappa.dtype == float
        gkappa = np.zeros((kappa.shape[0], mkappa.shape[1]))
        gkappa[mask, :] = mkappa
        kappa[:, mask] = gkappa
    assert np.linalg.norm(
        scipy.linalg.expm(kappa) - rot) < 1E-10
    assert np.linalg.norm(kappa + kappa.T) < 1E-10
    return kappa

kappa = get_kappa(reg_orb_rot, mo_orb_sym)

Next, The FCIDUMP objects for DMRG and time evolution can be constructed from the orbitals and kappa, respectively:

def get_fcidump(coeff, orb_sym, fname=None, tol=1E-13):
    mc.mo_coeff[:, mc.ncore:mc.ncore + mc.ncas] = coeff
    mp_orb_sym = [tools.fcidump.ORBSYM_MAP[mol.groupname][i] for i in orb_sym]
    h1e, e_core = mc.get_h1cas()
    h1e = h1e.ravel()
    g2e = ao2mo.restore(8, mc.get_h2cas(), mc.ncas)
    h1e[np.abs(h1e) < tol] = 0
    g2e[np.abs(g2e) < tol] = 0
    na, nb = mc.nelecas
    fcidump = FCIDUMP()
    fcidump.initialize_su2(mc.ncas, na + nb, na - nb, 1, e_core, h1e, g2e)
    fcidump.orb_sym = VectorUInt8(mp_orb_sym)
    assert fcidump.symmetrize(VectorUInt8(orb_sym)) < 1E-10
    if fname is not None:
    return fcidump

def get_kappa_fcidump(kappa, orb_sym, fname=None, tol=1E-13):
    mp_orb_sym = [tools.fcidump.ORBSYM_MAP[mol.groupname][i] for i in orb_sym]
    na, nb = mc.nelecas
    fcidump = FCIDUMP()
    kappa = kappa.flatten()
    kappa[np.abs(kappa) < tol] = 0
    fcidump.initialize_h1e(mc.ncas, na + nb, na - nb, 1, 0.0, kappa)
    fcidump.orb_sym = VectorUInt8(mp_orb_sym)
    assert fcidump.symmetrize(VectorUInt8(orb_sym)) < 1E-10
    if fname is not None:
    return fcidump

fd_old = get_fcidump(mo_coeff_act, mo_orb_sym)
fd_new = get_fcidump(lmo_coeff_act, mo_orb_sym)
fd_kappa = get_kappa_fcidump(kappa, mo_orb_sym)

where fd_old is for the DMRG in the old basis, and fd_new is for the DMRG in the new basis, and fd_kappa is for the orbital transform.

Now we are ready to do a DMRG in the old basis to find the ground-state MPS in this basis:

from block2 import *
from block2.su2 import *
import numpy as np
SX = SU2

Global.frame = DoubleDataFrame(10 * 1024 ** 2, 10 * 1024 ** 3, "nodex")
n_threads = Global.threading.n_threads_global
Global.threading = Threading(
    ThreadingTypes.OperatorBatchedGEMM | ThreadingTypes.Global,
    n_threads, n_threads, 1)
Global.threading.seq_type = SeqTypes.Tasked
Global.frame.fp_codec = DoubleFPCodec(1E-16, 1024)
Global.frame.minimal_disk_usage = True
Global.frame.use_main_stack = False

# Hamiltonian in old basis
fcidump = fd_old
pg = "d2h"
swap_pg = getattr(PointGroup, "swap_" + pg)
vacuum = SX(0)
target = SX(fcidump.n_elec, fcidump.twos, swap_pg(fcidump.isym))
n_sites = fcidump.n_sites
orb_sym = VectorUInt8(map(swap_pg, fcidump.orb_sym))
hamil = HamiltonianQC(vacuum, n_sites, orb_sym, fcidump)
print("D2H ORB SYM = ", hamil.orb_sym)

mps_info = MPSInfo(n_sites, vacuum, target, hamil.basis)
mps_info.tag = 'KET'
mps = MPS(n_sites, 0, 2)

mpo = MPOQC(hamil, QCTypes.Conventional)
mpo = SimplifiedMPO(mpo, RuleQC(), True, True, OpNamesSet((OpNames.R, OpNames.RD)))

me = MovingEnvironment(mpo, mps, mps, "DMRG")
me.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me.cached_contraction = True
dmrg = DMRG(me, VectorUBond([250, 500]), VectorDouble([1E-5] * 5 + [1E-6] * 5 + [0]))
dmrg.noise_type = NoiseTypes.ReducedPerturbativeCollected
dmrg.davidson_conv_thrds = VectorDouble([1E-6] * 5 + [1E-7] * 5)
ener = dmrg.solve(20, == 0, 1E-8)
print('DMRG Energy = %20.15f' % ener)

The following script can be used to transform the ground-state MPS to the new basis:

# Hamiltonain for orbital transform
hamil_kappa = HamiltonianQC(vacuum, n_sites, orb_sym, fd_kappa)

# MPO (anti-Hermitian)
mpo_kappa = MPOQC(hamil_kappa, QCTypes.Conventional)
mpo_kappa = SimplifiedMPO(mpo_kappa, AntiHermitianRuleQC(RuleQC()),
    True, True, OpNamesSet((OpNames.R, OpNames.RD)))

# Time Step
dt = 0.05
# Target time
tt = 1.0
n_steps = int(abs(tt) / abs(dt) + 0.1)
assert np.abs(abs(n_steps * dt) - abs(tt)) < 1E-10
print("Time Evolution NSTEPS = %d" % n_steps)
me_kappa = MovingEnvironment(mpo_kappa, mps, mps, "DMRG")
me_kappa.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me_kappa.cached_contraction = True

# Time Evolution (anti-Hermitian)
# te_type can be TETypes.RK4 or TETypes.TangentSpace (TDVP)
te_type = TETypes.RK4
te = TimeEvolution(me_kappa, VectorUBond([1000]), te_type)
te.hermitian = False
te.iprint = 2
te.n_sub_sweeps = 1 if te.mode == TETypes.TangentSpace else 2
te.normalize_mps = False
for i in range(n_steps):
    if te.mode == TETypes.TangentSpace:
        te.solve(2, dt / 2, == 0)
        te.solve(1, dt, == 0)
    print("T = %10.5f <E> = %20.15f <Norm^2> = %20.15f" %
            ((i + 1) * dt, te.energies[-1], te.normsqs[-1]))

Note that when constructing MPO, AntiHermitianRuleQC has to be used. Also te.hermitian must be set to False for anti-Hermitian “Hamiltonian”, otherwise it will be assumed Hermitian.


TimeEvolution can support both one-site and two-site algorithm, but we highly recommend the two-site algorithm as there is no noise, and the one-site algorithm may have severe problem with losing quantum numbers.

Since every step in time evolution is a unitary transform, the “energy” expectation should always be zero, and the “norm” of the MPS should be close to one. Normally, a too large discarded weight or “norm” far from 1 indicates that the error during the transform is too large.

Finally, we can check the energy expectation of the transformed MPS in the new basis:

# Hamiltonain in new basis
hamil_new = HamiltonianQC(vacuum, n_sites, orb_sym, fd_new)

mpo_new = MPOQC(hamil_new, QCTypes.Conventional)
mpo_new = SimplifiedMPO(mpo_new, RuleQC(), True, True, OpNamesSet((OpNames.R, OpNames.RD)))

# Energy Expectation
me_new = MovingEnvironment(mpo_new, mps, mps, "OVL")
me_new.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me_new.cached_contraction = True

expect = Expect(me_new,,
ener_new = expect.solve(False, == 0)

print('Energy expectation = %20.15f' % ener_new)

Some reference outputs for this example:

D2H ORB SYM =  VectorUInt8[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 2 2 2 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 4 ]
DMRG Energy =  -75.728487321653233
Time Evolution NSTEPS = 20
T =    0.05000 <E> =   -0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999999979398520
T =    0.10000 <E> =   -0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999999926838107
... ...
T =    0.95000 <E> =    0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999996763879923
Time elapsed =      5.738 | E =       0.0000000000 | Norm^2 =       0.9999964412 | DW = 3.83e-08
T =    1.00000 <E> =    0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999996441150652
Energy expectation =  -75.728011987963555

Distributed Parallelization

Since the “Hamiltonian” used in orbital rotation has only one-body term, it is more efficient to use a different parallelization rule. The normal two-body parallelization rule can still be used, but it will not provide any speed-up when more than one MPI processes are used.

The one-body only parallelization rule can be used in the following way:

MPI = MPICommunicator()
prule_one_body = ParallelRuleOneBodyQC(MPI)
mpo_kappa = ParallelMPO(mpo_kappa, prule_one_body)

MRCI (Big-Site) Example

The same procedure can be easily applied to the big-site MPO and MPS for MRCI calculation, with very little change. The above script for normal MPS can be reused without change for big-site until line from block2 import *.

Then, for big-site MPO/MPS, the following script can be used:

from block2 import *
from block2.su2 import *
import numpy as np
SX = SU2

Global.frame = DoubleDataFrame(10 * 1024 ** 2, 10 * 1024 ** 3, "nodex")
n_threads = Global.threading.n_threads_global
Global.threading = Threading(
    ThreadingTypes.OperatorBatchedGEMM | ThreadingTypes.Global,
    n_threads, n_threads, 1)
Global.threading.seq_type = SeqTypes.Nothing
Global.frame.fp_codec = DoubleFPCodec(1E-16, 1024)
Global.frame.minimal_disk_usage = True
Global.frame.use_main_stack = False

# create a big site in MPO
n_ext, ci_order = 5, 2
def create_big_site(hamil, mpo):
    mrci_mps_info = MRCIMPSInfo(hamil.n_sites, n_ext, ci_order, hamil.vacuum, target, hamil.basis)
    mpo.basis = hamil.basis
    for i in range(n_ext):
        mpo = FusedMPO(mpo, mpo.basis, mpo.n_sites - 2, mpo.n_sites - 1, mrci_mps_info.right_dims_fci[mpo.n_sites - 2])
    for k, op in mpo.tensors[-1].ops.items():
        smat = CSRSparseMatrix()
        if op.sparsity() > 0.75:
        mpo.tensors[-1].ops[k] = smat
    mpo.sparse_form = mpo.sparse_form[:-1] + 'S' = TensorFunctions(CSROperatorFunctions(
    return mpo

# Hamiltonian in old basis
fcidump = fd_old
pg = "d2h"
swap_pg = getattr(PointGroup, "swap_" + pg)
vacuum = SX(0)
target = SX(fcidump.n_elec, fcidump.twos, swap_pg(fcidump.isym))
n_sites = fcidump.n_sites
orb_sym = VectorUInt8(map(swap_pg, fcidump.orb_sym))
hamil = HamiltonianQC(vacuum, n_sites, orb_sym, fcidump)
print("D2H ORB SYM = ", hamil.orb_sym)

mpo = MPOQC(hamil, QCTypes.Conventional)
mpo = create_big_site(hamil, mpo)
mpo = SimplifiedMPO(mpo, RuleQC(), True, True, OpNamesSet((OpNames.R, OpNames.RD)))

mps_info = MPSInfo(mpo.n_sites, vacuum, target, mpo.basis)
mps_info.tag = 'KET'
mps = MPS(mpo.n_sites, 0, 2)

me = MovingEnvironment(mpo, mps, mps, "DMRG")
me.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me.cached_contraction = True
dmrg = DMRG(me, VectorUBond([250, 500]), VectorDouble([1E-5] * 5 + [1E-6] * 5 + [0]))
dmrg.noise_type = NoiseTypes.ReducedPerturbativeCollected
dmrg.davidson_conv_thrds = VectorDouble([1E-6] * 5 + [1E-7] * 5)
ener = dmrg.solve(20, == 0, 1E-8)
print('MRCI DMRG Energy = %20.15f' % ener)

# Hamiltonain for orbital transform
hamil_kappa = HamiltonianQC(vacuum, n_sites, orb_sym, fd_kappa)

# MPO (anti-Hermitian)
mpo_kappa = MPOQC(hamil_kappa, QCTypes.Conventional)
mpo_kappa = create_big_site(hamil_kappa, mpo_kappa)
mpo_kappa = SimplifiedMPO(mpo_kappa, AntiHermitianRuleQC(RuleQC()), True, True, OpNamesSet((OpNames.R, OpNames.RD)))

# Time Step
dt = 0.05
# Target time
tt = 1.0
n_steps = int(abs(tt) / abs(dt) + 0.1)
assert np.abs(abs(n_steps * dt) - abs(tt)) < 1E-10
print("Time Evolution NSTEPS = %d" % n_steps)
me_kappa = MovingEnvironment(mpo_kappa, mps, mps, "DMRG")
me_kappa.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me_kappa.cached_contraction = True

# Time Evolution (anti-Hermitian)
# te_type can be TETypes.RK4 or TETypes.TangentSpace (TDVP)
te_type = TETypes.RK4
te = TimeEvolution(me_kappa, VectorUBond([1000]), te_type)
te.hermitian = False
te.iprint = 2
te.n_sub_sweeps = 1 if te.mode == TETypes.TangentSpace else 2
te.normalize_mps = False
for i in range(n_steps):
    if te.mode == TETypes.TangentSpace:
        te.solve(2, dt / 2, == 0)
        te.solve(1, dt, == 0)
    print("T = %10.5f <E> = %20.15f <Norm^2> = %20.15f" %
            ((i + 1) * dt, te.energies[-1], te.normsqs[-1]))

# Hamiltonain in new basis
hamil_new = HamiltonianQC(vacuum, n_sites, orb_sym, fd_new)

mpo_new = MPOQC(hamil_new, QCTypes.Conventional)
mpo_new = create_big_site(hamil_new, mpo_new)
mpo_new = SimplifiedMPO(mpo_new, RuleQC(), True, True, OpNamesSet((OpNames.R, OpNames.RD)))

# Energy Expectation
me_new = MovingEnvironment(mpo_new, mps, mps, "OVL")
me_new.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me_new.cached_contraction = True

expect = Expect(me_new,,
ener_new = expect.solve(False, == 0)

print('Energy expectation = %20.15f' % ener_new)

where the big-site MPO is created using the function create_big_site, where the right-boundary sites in the MPO are folded to a big site using the FusedMPO class. Other more efficient methods for creating a big site can be used, but note that, the big site in the three MPOs mpo, mpo_kappa, and mpo_new must be created using the same method. This is to ensure that the quantum number fusing order is consistent among different MPOs. This is required because the same MPS is used with all these MPOs.

Also note that SeqTypes.Nothing (instead of SeqTypes.Tasked) should be used for big-site with CSR matrices.

Some reference outputs for this example:

D2H ORB SYM =  VectorUInt8[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 2 2 2 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 4 ]
MRCI DMRG Energy =  -75.727859086194130
Time Evolution NSTEPS = 20
T =    0.05000 <E> =    0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999999980443349
T =    0.10000 <E> =   -0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999999930992521
... ...
T =    0.95000 <E> =    0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999996944337650
Time elapsed =      6.035 | E =      -0.0000000000 | Norm^2 =       0.9999966399 | DW = 3.84e-08
T =    1.00000 <E> =   -0.000000000000000 <Norm^2> =    0.999996639941846
Energy expectation =  -75.727409014459965