Green’s Function and TD-DMRG

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In the following example, we calculate the electron removal (IP) part of one-particle Green’s function for Hydrogen chain (\(\mathrm{H_6}\)) in the minimal basis:

\[G_{ij}^-(\omega) = \langle \Psi_0 | a_j^\dagger \frac{1}{\omega + \hat{H}_0 - E_0 + i \eta} a_i |\Psi_0\rangle\]

where \(|\Psi_0\rangle\) is the ground state, \(i = j = 2\) (counting from zero), \(\eta = 0.005\).

The Green’s function can be computed using DMRG in either the frequency domain (dynamical DMRG) or the time domain (time-dependent DMRG).

Dynamical DMRG

We first solve the response equation to find the Green’s function in the frequency domain.

Note that the return value of driver.greens_function method is the state:

\[|X_i\rangle := \frac{1}{\omega + \hat{H}_0 - E_0 + i \eta} a_i |\Psi_0\rangle\]

Therefore, to get the value for Green’s function with \(i\neq j\), one can simply use driver.expectation to compute the dot product of \(|X_i\rangle\) with some other \(a_j|\Psi_0\rangle\).

In the SU2 mode:

import numpy as np
from pyblock2._pyscf.ao2mo import integrals as itg
from pyblock2.driver.core import DMRGDriver, SymmetryTypes
from pyscf import gto, scf, lo

BOHR = 0.52917721092
R = 1.8 * BOHR
N = 6

mol = gto.M(atom=[['H', (i * R, 0, 0)] for i in range(N)], basis="sto6g", symmetry="c1", verbose=0)
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run(conv_tol=1E-14)

mf.mo_coeff = lo.orth.lowdin(mol.intor('cint1e_ovlp_sph'))
ncas, n_elec, spin, ecore, h1e, g2e, orb_sym = itg.get_rhf_integrals(mf, ncore=0, ncas=None, g2e_symm=8)

driver = DMRGDriver(scratch="./tmp", symm_type=SymmetryTypes.SU2, n_threads=4)
driver.initialize_system(n_sites=ncas, n_elec=n_elec, spin=spin, orb_sym=orb_sym)

bond_dims = [150] * 4 + [200] * 4
noises = [1e-4] * 4 + [1e-5] * 4 + [0]
thrds = [1e-10] * 8

mpo = driver.get_qc_mpo(h1e=h1e, g2e=g2e, ecore=ecore, integral_cutoff=1E-8, iprint=1)
ket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="KET", bond_dim=150, nroots=1)
energy = driver.dmrg(mpo, ket, n_sweeps=20, bond_dims=bond_dims, noises=noises,
    thrds=thrds, iprint=1)
print('Ground state energy = %20.15f' % energy)

isite = 2
mpo.const_e -= energy
eta = 0.005

dmpo = driver.get_site_mpo(op='D', site_index=isite, iprint=0)
dket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="DKET", bond_dim=200,, left_vacuum=dmpo.left_vacuum)
driver.multiply(dket, dmpo, ket, n_sweeps=10, bond_dims=[200], thrds=[1E-10] * 10, iprint=1)

freqs = np.arange(-0.8, -0.2, 0.01)
gfmat = np.zeros((len(freqs), ), dtype=complex)
for iw, freq in enumerate(freqs):
    bra = driver.copy_mps(dket, tag="BRA") # initial guess
    gfmat[iw] = driver.greens_function(bra, mpo, dmpo, ket, freq, eta, n_sweeps=6,
        bra_bond_dims=[200], ket_bond_dims=[200], thrds=[1E-6] * 10, iprint=0)
    print("FREQ = %8.2f GF[%d,%d] = %12.6f + %12.6f i" % (freq, isite, isite, gfmat[iw].real, gfmat[iw].imag))

ldos = -1 / np.pi * gfmat.imag

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.grid(which='major', axis='both', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(freqs, ldos, linestyle='-', marker='o', markersize=4, mfc='white', mec="#7FB685", color="#7FB685")
plt.xlabel("Frequency $\\omega$")
integral symmetrize error =  0.0
integral cutoff error =  0.0
mpo terms =        863

Build MPO | Nsites =     6 | Nterms =        863 | Algorithm = FastBIP | Cutoff = 1.00e-20
 Site =     0 /     6 .. Mmpo =    13 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       13 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.008
 Site =     1 /     6 .. Mmpo =    34 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      100 SPT = 0.7738 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.004
 Site =     2 /     6 .. Mmpo =    56 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      185 SPT = 0.9028 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.004
 Site =     3 /     6 .. Mmpo =    34 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      419 SPT = 0.7799 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.004
 Site =     4 /     6 .. Mmpo =    14 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      105 SPT = 0.7794 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.003
 Site =     5 /     6 .. Mmpo =     1 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       14 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.002
Ttotal =      0.027 Tmvc-total = 0.002 MPO bond dimension =    56 MaxDW = 0.00e+00
NNZ =          836 SIZE =         4753 SPT = 0.8241

Rank =     0 Ttotal =      0.057 MPO method = FastBipartite bond dimension =      56 NNZ =          836 SIZE =         4753 SPT = 0.8241

Sweep =    0 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.061 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DW = 1.41e-20

Sweep =    1 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.105 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 7.11e-15 | DW = 9.98e-21

Sweep =    2 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.148 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 1.25e-20

Sweep =    3 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.197 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 1.88e-20

Sweep =    4 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.238 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 1.78e-15 | DW = 1.13e-20

Sweep =    5 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.280 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 1.78e-15 | DW = 1.19e-20

Sweep =    6 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.319 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 9.42e-21

Sweep =    7 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.365 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 2.01e-20

Sweep =    8 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-09
Time elapsed =      0.400 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 3.55e-15 | DW = 1.53e-20

Ground state energy =   -3.266743099950662

Sweep =    0 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.018 | F =    0.9962046481 | DW = 5.23e-25

Sweep =    1 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.038 | F =    0.9970609307 | DF = 8.56e-04 | DW = 8.99e-25

Sweep =    2 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.059 | F =    0.9970609307 | DF = 4.44e-16 | DW = 6.59e-25

Sweep =    3 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.079 | F =    0.9970609307 | DF = -3.33e-16 | DW = 3.32e-25

Sweep =    4 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.101 | F =    0.9970609307 | DF = -3.33e-16 | DW = 3.88e-25

FREQ =    -0.80 GF[2,2] =    -2.858060 +    -0.132949 i
FREQ =    -0.79 GF[2,2] =    -3.127639 +    -0.137862 i
FREQ =    -0.78 GF[2,2] =    -3.410730 +    -0.146788 i
FREQ =    -0.77 GF[2,2] =    -3.716042 +    -0.159910 i
FREQ =    -0.76 GF[2,2] =    -4.052436 +    -0.177910 i
FREQ =    -0.75 GF[2,2] =    -4.429247 +    -0.202036 i
FREQ =    -0.74 GF[2,2] =    -4.862689 +    -0.234242 i
FREQ =    -0.73 GF[2,2] =    -5.370446 +    -0.277828 i
FREQ =    -0.72 GF[2,2] =    -5.979802 +    -0.338034 i
FREQ =    -0.71 GF[2,2] =    -6.730787 +    -0.424057 i
FREQ =    -0.70 GF[2,2] =    -7.689106 +    -0.552665 i
FREQ =    -0.69 GF[2,2] =    -8.964426 +    -0.757635 i
FREQ =    -0.68 GF[2,2] =   -10.763740 +    -1.118686 i
FREQ =    -0.67 GF[2,2] =   -13.510429 +    -1.904433 i
FREQ =    -0.66 GF[2,2] =   -17.418881 +    -3.612921 i
FREQ =    -0.65 GF[2,2] =   -26.296063 +    -7.892317 i
FREQ =    -0.64 GF[2,2] =   -44.979411 +   -35.247680 i
FREQ =    -0.63 GF[2,2] =    41.659891 +   -56.954077 i
FREQ =    -0.62 GF[2,2] =    27.132451 +   -10.471813 i
FREQ =    -0.61 GF[2,2] =    16.312481 +    -3.861684 i
FREQ =    -0.60 GF[2,2] =    11.092739 +    -2.003940 i
FREQ =    -0.59 GF[2,2] =     8.036382 +    -1.254680 i
FREQ =    -0.58 GF[2,2] =     5.972372 +    -0.893065 i
FREQ =    -0.57 GF[2,2] =     4.418047 +    -0.708471 i
FREQ =    -0.56 GF[2,2] =     3.108176 +    -0.629033 i
FREQ =    -0.55 GF[2,2] =     1.874834 +    -0.643365 i
FREQ =    -0.54 GF[2,2] =     0.501622 +    -0.805649 i
FREQ =    -0.53 GF[2,2] =    -1.428740 +    -1.392787 i
FREQ =    -0.52 GF[2,2] =    -5.038213 +    -4.367329 i
FREQ =    -0.51 GF[2,2] =     5.385607 +   -16.985511 i
FREQ =    -0.50 GF[2,2] =     8.132057 +    -3.176944 i
FREQ =    -0.49 GF[2,2] =     5.112053 +    -1.122502 i
FREQ =    -0.48 GF[2,2] =     3.547000 +    -0.626599 i
FREQ =    -0.47 GF[2,2] =     2.530196 +    -0.443406 i
FREQ =    -0.46 GF[2,2] =     1.745955 +    -0.363108 i
FREQ =    -0.45 GF[2,2] =     1.066544 +    -0.329559 i
FREQ =    -0.44 GF[2,2] =     0.421145 +    -0.324585 i
FREQ =    -0.43 GF[2,2] =    -0.234970 +    -0.342450 i
FREQ =    -0.42 GF[2,2] =    -0.955736 +    -0.386035 i
FREQ =    -0.41 GF[2,2] =    -1.792136 +    -0.464805 i
FREQ =    -0.40 GF[2,2] =    -2.833594 +    -0.601140 i
FREQ =    -0.39 GF[2,2] =    -4.230434 +    -0.846750 i
FREQ =    -0.38 GF[2,2] =    -6.289553 +    -1.335939 i
FREQ =    -0.37 GF[2,2] =    -9.737590 +    -2.501588 i
FREQ =    -0.36 GF[2,2] =   -16.688375 +    -6.387690 i
FREQ =    -0.35 GF[2,2] =   -29.656382 +   -31.528685 i
FREQ =    -0.34 GF[2,2] =    34.225016 +   -32.546412 i
FREQ =    -0.33 GF[2,2] =    21.430321 +    -6.498027 i
FREQ =    -0.32 GF[2,2] =    14.419157 +    -2.511719 i
FREQ =    -0.31 GF[2,2] =    10.986939 +    -1.318801 i
FREQ =    -0.30 GF[2,2] =     8.980094 +    -0.814240 i
FREQ =    -0.29 GF[2,2] =     7.662527 +    -0.555185 i
FREQ =    -0.28 GF[2,2] =     6.728338 +    -0.404730 i
FREQ =    -0.27 GF[2,2] =     6.027647 +    -0.309463 i
FREQ =    -0.26 GF[2,2] =     5.481284 +    -0.245307 i
FREQ =    -0.25 GF[2,2] =     5.041000 +    -0.199912 i
FREQ =    -0.24 GF[2,2] =     4.677884 +    -0.166589 i
FREQ =    -0.23 GF[2,2] =     4.372155 +    -0.141336 i
FREQ =    -0.22 GF[2,2] =     4.110743 +    -0.121720 i
FREQ =    -0.21 GF[2,2] =     3.883890 +    -0.106156 i
FREQ =    -0.20 GF[2,2] =     3.685138 +    -0.093570 i

In the SZ mode:

import numpy as np
from pyblock2._pyscf.ao2mo import integrals as itg
from pyblock2.driver.core import DMRGDriver, SymmetryTypes
from pyscf import gto, scf, lo

BOHR = 0.52917721092
R = 1.8 * BOHR
N = 6

mol = gto.M(atom=[['H', (i * R, 0, 0)] for i in range(N)], basis="sto6g", symmetry="c1", verbose=0)
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run(conv_tol=1E-14)

mf.mo_coeff = lo.orth.lowdin(mol.intor('cint1e_ovlp_sph'))
ncas, n_elec, spin, ecore, h1e, g2e, orb_sym = itg.get_rhf_integrals(mf, ncore=0, ncas=None, g2e_symm=8)

driver = DMRGDriver(scratch="./tmp", symm_type=SymmetryTypes.SZ, n_threads=4)
driver.initialize_system(n_sites=ncas, n_elec=n_elec, spin=spin, orb_sym=orb_sym)

bond_dims = [150] * 4 + [200] * 4
noises = [1e-4] * 4 + [1e-5] * 4 + [0]
thrds = [1e-10] * 8

mpo = driver.get_qc_mpo(h1e=h1e, g2e=g2e, ecore=ecore, integral_cutoff=1E-8, iprint=1)
ket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="KET", bond_dim=150, nroots=1)
energy = driver.dmrg(mpo, ket, n_sweeps=20, bond_dims=bond_dims, noises=noises,
    thrds=thrds, iprint=1)
print('Ground state energy = %20.15f' % energy)

isite = 2
mpo.const_e -= energy
eta = 0.005

dmpo = driver.get_site_mpo(op='d', site_index=isite, iprint=0) # only alpha spin
dket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="DKET", bond_dim=200,, target=dmpo.op.q_label +
driver.multiply(dket, dmpo, ket, n_sweeps=10, bond_dims=[200], thrds=[1E-10] * 10, iprint=1)

freqs = np.arange(-0.8, -0.2, 0.01)
gfmat = np.zeros((len(freqs), ), dtype=complex)
for iw, freq in enumerate(freqs):
    bra = driver.copy_mps(dket, tag="BRA") # initial guess
    gfmat[iw] = driver.greens_function(bra, mpo, dmpo, ket, freq, eta, n_sweeps=6,
        bra_bond_dims=[200], ket_bond_dims=[200], thrds=[1E-6] * 10, iprint=0)
    print("FREQ = %8.2f GF[%d,%d] = %12.6f + %12.6f i" % (freq, isite, isite, gfmat[iw].real, gfmat[iw].imag))

ldos = -2 / np.pi * gfmat.imag # account for both spin

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.grid(which='major', axis='both', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(freqs, ldos, linestyle='-', marker='o', markersize=4, mfc='white', mec="#7FB685", color="#7FB685")
plt.xlabel("Frequency $\\omega$")
integral symmetrize error =  0.0
integral cutoff error =  0.0
mpo terms =       2286

Build MPO | Nsites =     6 | Nterms =       2286 | Algorithm = FastBIP | Cutoff = 1.00e-20
 Site =     0 /     6 .. Mmpo =    26 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       26 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.008
 Site =     1 /     6 .. Mmpo =    66 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      243 SPT = 0.8584 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.011
 Site =     2 /     6 .. Mmpo =   110 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      459 SPT = 0.9368 Tmvc = 0.002 T = 0.009
 Site =     3 /     6 .. Mmpo =    66 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =     1147 SPT = 0.8420 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.016
 Site =     4 /     6 .. Mmpo =    26 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      243 SPT = 0.8584 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.006
 Site =     5 /     6 .. Mmpo =     1 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       26 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.008
Ttotal =      0.057 Tmvc-total = 0.005 MPO bond dimension =   110 MaxDW = 0.00e+00
NNZ =         2144 SIZE =        18004 SPT = 0.8809

Rank =     0 Ttotal =      0.097 MPO method = FastBipartite bond dimension =     110 NNZ =         2144 SIZE =        18004 SPT = 0.8809

Sweep =    0 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.168 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DW = 1.33e-20

Sweep =    1 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.305 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -7.11e-15 | DW = 1.29e-20

Sweep =    2 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.432 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 2.12e-20

Sweep =    3 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.557 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 3.55e-15 | DW = 1.89e-20

Sweep =    4 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.678 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 1.98e-20

Sweep =    5 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.811 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -5.33e-15 | DW = 3.57e-20

Sweep =    6 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.935 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 1.87e-20

Sweep =    7 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      1.070 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 7.11e-15 | DW = 1.72e-20

Sweep =    8 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-09
Time elapsed =      1.172 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -5.33e-15 | DW = 4.35e-20

Ground state energy =   -3.266743099973319

Sweep =    0 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.019 | F =    0.6660221816 | DW = 9.82e-26

Sweep =    1 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.042 | F =    0.7050281723 | DF = 3.90e-02 | DW = 1.70e-24

Sweep =    2 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.063 | F =    0.7050281723 | DF = 6.66e-16 | DW = 2.63e-25

Sweep =    3 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.084 | F =    0.7050281723 | DF = 3.33e-16 | DW = 1.94e-24

Sweep =    4 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.105 | F =    0.7050281723 | DF = 1.11e-16 | DW = 8.09e-25

FREQ =    -0.80 GF[2,2] =    -1.429314 +    -0.066472 i
FREQ =    -0.79 GF[2,2] =    -1.563695 +    -0.068960 i
FREQ =    -0.78 GF[2,2] =    -1.705301 +    -0.073389 i
FREQ =    -0.77 GF[2,2] =    -1.857857 +    -0.079957 i
FREQ =    -0.76 GF[2,2] =    -2.026014 +    -0.088950 i
FREQ =    -0.75 GF[2,2] =    -2.215113 +    -0.101005 i
FREQ =    -0.74 GF[2,2] =    -2.431836 +    -0.117119 i
FREQ =    -0.73 GF[2,2] =    -2.685052 +    -0.138881 i
FREQ =    -0.72 GF[2,2] =    -2.989529 +    -0.168989 i
FREQ =    -0.71 GF[2,2] =    -3.364958 +    -0.212001 i
FREQ =    -0.70 GF[2,2] =    -3.843595 +    -0.276232 i
FREQ =    -0.69 GF[2,2] =    -4.481702 +    -0.378669 i
FREQ =    -0.68 GF[2,2] =    -5.379774 +    -0.559234 i
FREQ =    -0.67 GF[2,2] =    -6.754026 +    -0.952219 i
FREQ =    -0.66 GF[2,2] =    -8.711280 +    -1.806963 i
FREQ =    -0.65 GF[2,2] =   -13.147719 +    -3.946547 i
FREQ =    -0.64 GF[2,2] =   -22.488537 +   -17.623137 i
FREQ =    -0.63 GF[2,2] =    20.830470 +   -28.478123 i
FREQ =    -0.62 GF[2,2] =    13.568650 +    -5.237022 i
FREQ =    -0.61 GF[2,2] =     8.158524 +    -1.931326 i
FREQ =    -0.60 GF[2,2] =     5.546668 +    -1.001994 i
FREQ =    -0.59 GF[2,2] =     4.015779 +    -0.627121 i
FREQ =    -0.58 GF[2,2] =     2.986254 +    -0.446332 i
FREQ =    -0.57 GF[2,2] =     2.206705 +    -0.354016 i
FREQ =    -0.56 GF[2,2] =     1.553827 +    -0.314387 i
FREQ =    -0.55 GF[2,2] =     0.934667 +    -0.321487 i
FREQ =    -0.54 GF[2,2] =     0.247498 +    -0.402597 i
FREQ =    -0.53 GF[2,2] =    -0.716559 +    -0.696260 i
FREQ =    -0.52 GF[2,2] =    -2.517667 +    -2.183247 i
FREQ =    -0.51 GF[2,2] =     2.694685 +    -8.495055 i
FREQ =    -0.50 GF[2,2] =     4.068420 +    -1.589597 i
FREQ =    -0.49 GF[2,2] =     2.556421 +    -0.561628 i
FREQ =    -0.48 GF[2,2] =     1.776438 +    -0.313770 i
FREQ =    -0.47 GF[2,2] =     1.266039 +    -0.222005 i
FREQ =    -0.46 GF[2,2] =     0.873240 +    -0.181737 i
FREQ =    -0.45 GF[2,2] =     0.533170 +    -0.164892 i
FREQ =    -0.44 GF[2,2] =     0.210275 +    -0.162307 i
FREQ =    -0.43 GF[2,2] =    -0.119248 +    -0.171350 i
FREQ =    -0.42 GF[2,2] =    -0.478803 +    -0.193119 i
FREQ =    -0.41 GF[2,2] =    -0.898305 +    -0.232404 i
FREQ =    -0.40 GF[2,2] =    -1.418566 +    -0.300549 i
FREQ =    -0.39 GF[2,2] =    -2.115432 +    -0.423477 i
FREQ =    -0.38 GF[2,2] =    -3.145615 +    -0.668038 i
FREQ =    -0.37 GF[2,2] =    -4.871226 +    -1.251034 i
FREQ =    -0.36 GF[2,2] =    -8.345991 +    -3.194131 i
FREQ =    -0.35 GF[2,2] =   -14.828832 +   -15.765406 i
FREQ =    -0.34 GF[2,2] =    17.111094 +   -16.271567 i
FREQ =    -0.33 GF[2,2] =    10.713170 +    -3.248626 i
FREQ =    -0.32 GF[2,2] =     7.207938 +    -1.255671 i
FREQ =    -0.31 GF[2,2] =     5.490817 +    -0.659108 i
FREQ =    -0.30 GF[2,2] =     4.488220 +    -0.406981 i
FREQ =    -0.29 GF[2,2] =     3.829440 +    -0.277473 i
FREQ =    -0.28 GF[2,2] =     3.362384 +    -0.202273 i
FREQ =    -0.27 GF[2,2] =     3.011931 +    -0.154637 i
FREQ =    -0.26 GF[2,2] =     2.738941 +    -0.122582 i
FREQ =    -0.25 GF[2,2] =     2.518611 +    -0.099880 i
FREQ =    -0.24 GF[2,2] =     2.336457 +    -0.083188 i
FREQ =    -0.23 GF[2,2] =     2.183385 +    -0.070557 i
FREQ =    -0.22 GF[2,2] =     2.053131 +    -0.060779 i
FREQ =    -0.21 GF[2,2] =     1.939693 +    -0.052990 i
FREQ =    -0.20 GF[2,2] =     1.840458 +    -0.046715 i

Time-Dependent DMRG

Here we use real time TD-DMRG and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to calculate the Green’s function.

This is obtained from a Fourier transform from time domain to frequency domain:

\[\begin{split}G_{ij}(t) = - i \langle \Psi_0 | a_j^\dagger \mathrm{e}^{-i (\hat{H}_0 - E_0 ) t} a_i |\Psi_0\rangle \\ G_{ij}(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mathrm{d} t \mathrm{e}^{-i \omega t} G_{ij}(t) \mathrm{e}^{- \eta t}\end{split}\]

where \(\mathrm{e}^{- \eta t}\) is a broading factor.

In the SU2 mode:

import numpy as np
from pyblock2._pyscf.ao2mo import integrals as itg
from pyblock2.driver.core import DMRGDriver, SymmetryTypes
from pyscf import gto, scf, lo

BOHR = 0.52917721092
R = 1.8 * BOHR
N = 6

mol = gto.M(atom=[['H', (i * R, 0, 0)] for i in range(N)], basis="sto6g", symmetry="c1", verbose=0)
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run(conv_tol=1E-14)

mf.mo_coeff = lo.orth.lowdin(mol.intor('cint1e_ovlp_sph'))
ncas, n_elec, spin, ecore, h1e, g2e, orb_sym = itg.get_rhf_integrals(mf, ncore=0, ncas=None, g2e_symm=8)

driver = DMRGDriver(scratch="./tmp", symm_type=SymmetryTypes.SU2 | SymmetryTypes.CPX, n_threads=4)
driver.initialize_system(n_sites=ncas, n_elec=n_elec, spin=spin, orb_sym=orb_sym)

bond_dims = [150] * 4 + [200] * 4
noises = [1e-4] * 4 + [1e-5] * 4 + [0]
thrds = [1e-10] * 8

mpo = driver.get_qc_mpo(h1e=h1e, g2e=g2e, ecore=ecore, integral_cutoff=1E-8, iprint=1)
ket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="KET", bond_dim=150, nroots=1)
energy = driver.dmrg(mpo, ket, n_sweeps=20, bond_dims=bond_dims, noises=noises,
    thrds=thrds, iprint=1)
print('Ground state energy = %20.15f' % energy)

isite = 2
mpo.const_e -= energy
eta = 0.005

dmpo = driver.get_site_mpo(op='D', site_index=isite, iprint=0)
dket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="DKET", bond_dim=200,, left_vacuum=dmpo.left_vacuum)
driver.multiply(dket, dmpo, ket, n_sweeps=10, bond_dims=[200], thrds=[1E-10] * 10, iprint=1)

impo = driver.get_identity_mpo()
dbra = driver.copy_mps(dket, tag='DBRA')

dt = 0.2
t = 500.0
nstep = int(t / dt)
rtgf = np.zeros((nstep, ), dtype=complex)
rtgf[0] = driver.expectation(dket, impo, dket)
for it in range(nstep - 1):
    if it % (nstep // 100) == 0:
        print("it = %5d (%4.1f %%)" % (it, it * 100 / nstep))
    dbra = driver.td_dmrg(mpo, dbra, -dt * 1j, -dt * 1j, final_mps_tag='DBRA', hermitian=True, bond_dims=[200], iprint=0)
    rtgf[it + 1] = driver.expectation(dbra, impo, dket)

def gf_fft(eta, dt, rtgf, npts):
    frq = np.fft.fftfreq(npts, dt)
    frq = np.fft.fftshift(frq) * 2.0 * np.pi
    fftinp = -1j * rtgf * np.exp(-eta * dt * np.arange(0, npts))
    return frq, np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(fftinp)) * dt

frq, frq_gf = gf_fft(eta, dt, rtgf, len(rtgf))
frq_gf = frq_gf[(frq >= -0.8) & (frq < -0.2)]
frq = frq[(frq >= -0.8) & (frq < -0.2)]

ldos = -1 / np.pi * frq_gf.imag

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.grid(which='major', axis='both', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(frq, ldos, linestyle='-', marker='o', markersize=4, mfc='white', mec="#7FB685", color="#7FB685")
plt.xlabel("Frequency $\\omega$")
integral symmetrize error =  0.0
integral cutoff error =  0.0
mpo terms =        863

Build MPO | Nsites =     6 | Nterms =        863 | Algorithm = FastBIP | Cutoff = 1.00e-20
 Site =     0 /     6 .. Mmpo =    13 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       13 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.014
 Site =     1 /     6 .. Mmpo =    34 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      100 SPT = 0.7738 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.008
 Site =     2 /     6 .. Mmpo =    56 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      185 SPT = 0.9028 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.008
 Site =     3 /     6 .. Mmpo =    34 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      419 SPT = 0.7799 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.016
 Site =     4 /     6 .. Mmpo =    14 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      105 SPT = 0.7794 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.013
 Site =     5 /     6 .. Mmpo =     1 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       14 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.027
Ttotal =      0.087 Tmvc-total = 0.002 MPO bond dimension =    56 MaxDW = 0.00e+00
NNZ =          836 SIZE =         4753 SPT = 0.8241

Rank =     0 Ttotal =      0.190 MPO method = FastBipartite bond dimension =      56 NNZ =          836 SIZE =         4753 SPT = 0.8241

Sweep =    0 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.138 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DW = 5.73e-21

Sweep =    1 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.227 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 4.09e-14 | DW = 1.64e-20

Sweep =    2 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.327 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 9.52e-21

Sweep =    3 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.428 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 1.55e-20

Sweep =    4 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.521 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 6.12e-21

Sweep =    5 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.634 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -3.55e-15 | DW = 2.47e-20

Sweep =    6 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.781 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 7.11e-15 | DW = 7.01e-21

Sweep =    7 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.876 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 1.78e-15 | DW = 1.12e-20

Sweep =    8 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-09
Time elapsed =      0.997 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 1.78e-15 | DW = 1.93e-20

Ground state energy =   -3.266743099951065

Sweep =    0 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.057 | F = (0.9960879032,0.0000000000) | DW = 3.05e-25

Sweep =    1 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.120 | F = (0.9970594762,0.0000000000) | DF = (9.72e-04,0.00e+00) | DW = 9.73e-25

Sweep =    2 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.168 | F = (0.9970594762,0.0000000000) | DF = (4.44e-16,0.00e+00) | DW = 1.57e-25

Sweep =    3 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.213 | F = (0.9970594762,0.0000000000) | DF = (-5.55e-16,0.00e+00) | DW = 3.36e-25

Sweep =    4 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.262 | F = (0.9970594762,0.0000000000) | DF = (2.22e-16,0.00e+00) | DW = 1.04e-24

it =     0 ( 0.0 %)
it =    25 ( 1.0 %)
it =    50 ( 2.0 %)
it =    75 ( 3.0 %)
it =   100 ( 4.0 %)
it =   125 ( 5.0 %)
it =   150 ( 6.0 %)
it =   175 ( 7.0 %)
it =   200 ( 8.0 %)
it =   225 ( 9.0 %)
it =   250 (10.0 %)
it =   275 (11.0 %)
it =   300 (12.0 %)
it =   325 (13.0 %)
it =   350 (14.0 %)
it =   375 (15.0 %)
it =   400 (16.0 %)
it =   425 (17.0 %)
it =   450 (18.0 %)
it =   475 (19.0 %)
it =   500 (20.0 %)
it =   525 (21.0 %)
it =   550 (22.0 %)
it =   575 (23.0 %)
it =   600 (24.0 %)
it =   625 (25.0 %)
it =   650 (26.0 %)
it =   675 (27.0 %)
it =   700 (28.0 %)
it =   725 (29.0 %)
it =   750 (30.0 %)
it =   775 (31.0 %)
it =   800 (32.0 %)
it =   825 (33.0 %)
it =   850 (34.0 %)
it =   875 (35.0 %)
it =   900 (36.0 %)
it =   925 (37.0 %)
it =   950 (38.0 %)
it =   975 (39.0 %)
it =  1000 (40.0 %)
it =  1025 (41.0 %)
it =  1050 (42.0 %)
it =  1075 (43.0 %)
it =  1100 (44.0 %)
it =  1125 (45.0 %)
it =  1150 (46.0 %)
it =  1175 (47.0 %)
it =  1200 (48.0 %)
it =  1225 (49.0 %)
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it =  1300 (52.0 %)
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it =  1800 (72.0 %)
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it =  1875 (75.0 %)
it =  1900 (76.0 %)
it =  1925 (77.0 %)
it =  1950 (78.0 %)
it =  1975 (79.0 %)
it =  2000 (80.0 %)
it =  2025 (81.0 %)
it =  2050 (82.0 %)
it =  2075 (83.0 %)
it =  2100 (84.0 %)
it =  2125 (85.0 %)
it =  2150 (86.0 %)
it =  2175 (87.0 %)
it =  2200 (88.0 %)
it =  2225 (89.0 %)
it =  2250 (90.0 %)
it =  2275 (91.0 %)
it =  2300 (92.0 %)
it =  2325 (93.0 %)
it =  2350 (94.0 %)
it =  2375 (95.0 %)
it =  2400 (96.0 %)
it =  2425 (97.0 %)
it =  2450 (98.0 %)
it =  2475 (99.0 %)

In the SZ mode:

import numpy as np
from pyblock2._pyscf.ao2mo import integrals as itg
from pyblock2.driver.core import DMRGDriver, SymmetryTypes
from pyscf import gto, scf, lo

BOHR = 0.52917721092
R = 1.8 * BOHR
N = 6

mol = gto.M(atom=[['H', (i * R, 0, 0)] for i in range(N)], basis="sto6g", symmetry="c1", verbose=0)
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run(conv_tol=1E-14)

mf.mo_coeff = lo.orth.lowdin(mol.intor('cint1e_ovlp_sph'))
ncas, n_elec, spin, ecore, h1e, g2e, orb_sym = itg.get_rhf_integrals(mf, ncore=0, ncas=None, g2e_symm=8)

driver = DMRGDriver(scratch="./tmp", symm_type=SymmetryTypes.SZ | SymmetryTypes.CPX, n_threads=4)
driver.initialize_system(n_sites=ncas, n_elec=n_elec, spin=spin, orb_sym=orb_sym)

bond_dims = [150] * 4 + [200] * 4
noises = [1e-4] * 4 + [1e-5] * 4 + [0]
thrds = [1e-10] * 8

mpo = driver.get_qc_mpo(h1e=h1e, g2e=g2e, ecore=ecore, integral_cutoff=1E-8, iprint=1)
ket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="KET", bond_dim=150, nroots=1)
energy = driver.dmrg(mpo, ket, n_sweeps=20, bond_dims=bond_dims, noises=noises,
    thrds=thrds, iprint=1)
print('Ground state energy = %20.15f' % energy)

isite = 2
mpo.const_e -= energy
eta = 0.005

dmpo = driver.get_site_mpo(op='d', site_index=isite, iprint=0) # only alpha spin
dket = driver.get_random_mps(tag="DKET", bond_dim=200,, target=dmpo.op.q_label +
driver.multiply(dket, dmpo, ket, n_sweeps=10, bond_dims=[200], thrds=[1E-10] * 10, iprint=1)

impo = driver.get_identity_mpo()
dbra = driver.copy_mps(dket, tag='DBRA')

dt = 0.2
t = 500.0
nstep = int(t / dt)
rtgf = np.zeros((nstep, ), dtype=complex)
rtgf[0] = driver.expectation(dket, impo, dket)
for it in range(nstep - 1):
    if it % (nstep // 100) == 0:
        print("it = %5d (%4.1f %%)" % (it, it * 100 / nstep))
    dbra = driver.td_dmrg(mpo, dbra, -dt * 1j, -dt * 1j, final_mps_tag='DBRA', hermitian=True, bond_dims=[200], iprint=0)
    rtgf[it + 1] = driver.expectation(dbra, impo, dket)

def gf_fft(eta, dt, rtgf, npts):
    frq = np.fft.fftfreq(npts, dt)
    frq = np.fft.fftshift(frq) * 2.0 * np.pi
    fftinp = -1j * rtgf * np.exp(-eta * dt * np.arange(0, npts))
    return frq, np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(fftinp)) * dt

frq, frq_gf = gf_fft(eta, dt, rtgf, len(rtgf))
frq_gf = frq_gf[(frq >= -0.8) & (frq < -0.2)]
frq = frq[(frq >= -0.8) & (frq < -0.2)]

ldos = -2 / np.pi * frq_gf.imag

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.grid(which='major', axis='both', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(frq, ldos, linestyle='-', marker='o', markersize=4, mfc='white', mec="#7FB685", color="#7FB685")
plt.xlabel("Frequency $\\omega$")
integral symmetrize error =  0.0
integral cutoff error =  0.0
mpo terms =       2286

Build MPO | Nsites =     6 | Nterms =       2286 | Algorithm = FastBIP | Cutoff = 1.00e-20
 Site =     0 /     6 .. Mmpo =    26 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       26 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.016
 Site =     1 /     6 .. Mmpo =    66 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      243 SPT = 0.8584 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.016
 Site =     2 /     6 .. Mmpo =   110 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      459 SPT = 0.9368 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.014
 Site =     3 /     6 .. Mmpo =    66 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =     1147 SPT = 0.8420 Tmvc = 0.001 T = 0.013
 Site =     4 /     6 .. Mmpo =    26 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =      243 SPT = 0.8584 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.004
 Site =     5 /     6 .. Mmpo =     1 DW = 0.00e+00 NNZ =       26 SPT = 0.0000 Tmvc = 0.000 T = 0.003
Ttotal =      0.066 Tmvc-total = 0.004 MPO bond dimension =   110 MaxDW = 0.00e+00
NNZ =         2144 SIZE =        18004 SPT = 0.8809

Rank =     0 Ttotal =      0.124 MPO method = FastBipartite bond dimension =     110 NNZ =         2144 SIZE =        18004 SPT = 0.8809

Sweep =    0 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.230 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DW = 7.12e-17

Sweep =    1 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.413 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 6.71e-17

Sweep =    2 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.563 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 3.55e-15 | DW = 6.86e-17

Sweep =    3 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  150 | Noise =  1.00e-04 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.770 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 7.22e-17

Sweep =    4 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      0.951 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -3.55e-15 | DW = 1.68e-20

Sweep =    5 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      1.109 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 2.60e-20

Sweep =    6 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      1.261 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 1.87e-20

Sweep =    7 | Direction = backward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  1.00e-05 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-10
Time elapsed =      1.415 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = 0.00e+00 | DW = 3.66e-20

Sweep =    8 | Direction =  forward | Bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00 | Dav threshold =  1.00e-09
Time elapsed =      1.526 | E =      -3.2667431000 | DE = -1.78e-15 | DW = 5.13e-20

Ground state energy =   -3.266743099950349

Sweep =    0 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.022 | F = (0.6266622731,0.0000000000) | DW = 7.22e-25

Sweep =    1 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.051 | F = (0.7050283557,0.0000000000) | DF = (7.84e-02,0.00e+00) | DW = 9.91e-25

Sweep =    2 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.076 | F = (0.7050283557,0.0000000000) | DF = (4.44e-16,0.00e+00) | DW = 7.16e-25

Sweep =    3 | Direction =  forward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.112 | F = (0.7050283557,0.0000000000) | DF = (-1.11e-16,0.00e+00) | DW = 1.77e-24

Sweep =    4 | Direction = backward | BRA bond dimension =  200 | Noise =  0.00e+00
Time elapsed =      0.148 | F = (0.7050283557,0.0000000000) | DF = (-1.11e-16,0.00e+00) | DW = 7.19e-25

it =     0 ( 0.0 %)
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it =  1750 (70.0 %)
it =  1775 (71.0 %)
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it =  1850 (74.0 %)
it =  1875 (75.0 %)
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it =  1925 (77.0 %)
it =  1950 (78.0 %)
it =  1975 (79.0 %)
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it =  2025 (81.0 %)
it =  2050 (82.0 %)
it =  2075 (83.0 %)
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it =  2125 (85.0 %)
it =  2150 (86.0 %)
it =  2175 (87.0 %)
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it =  2250 (90.0 %)
it =  2275 (91.0 %)
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it =  2325 (93.0 %)
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it =  2375 (95.0 %)
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it =  2425 (97.0 %)
it =  2450 (98.0 %)
it =  2475 (99.0 %)