MPO Reloading
For systems with large number of orbitals, it is sometimes beneficial to save/reload the MPO object to reduce memory fragmentation. The step of creation of the Hamiltonian and FCIDUMP object can also be done only once and all Hamiltonian information can be kept in the MPO object, which can be saved in disk storage. This can save computational cost (if creation of the Hamiltonian/MPO is expensive) and memory cost (if the FCIDUMP object is big) for restarting.
For even larger number of orbitals, keeping the whole MPO object during the DMRG calculation may still be memory-demanding. To solve this problem, the MPO can be reloaded in a minimal memory mode. In this mode, only the essential data in MPO is loaded in the beginning. Then, during the DMRG calculation, blocking formulae and definition of single-site operators will be loaded for each site only. After the iteration for one site, the memory consumed by the blocking formulae and single-site operators can be released. Therefore, even if the MPO object itself can be big, only a small part (for each current site) is loaded into memory (dynamically) at any instant during the DMRG calculation.
If an MPO is loaded in the minimal memory mode, the MPO file must be kept in the file system (namely, not deleted / overwritten) during any subsequent algorithms using this MPO.
If an MPO is loaded in the minimal memory mode, it is read-only. This means, you cannot simplify or parallelize such an MPO. As a result, if you use distributed parallelism, you have to save the already parallelized MPO (for each rank as separate files), and reload them in the minimal memory mode.
Inspecting some site-related contents inside the minimal-memory MPO can be more complicated (requiring
before the operation) since these contents are not in memory by default.
The example integral file C2.CAS.PVDZ.FCIDUMP
can be found in the data
Saving a Serial MPO
First we save a non-parallelized MPO using the following script:
from block2 import *
from block2.su2 import *
import numpy as np
import psutil
import os
SX = SU2
Global.frame = DoubleDataFrame(10 * 1024 ** 2, 10 * 1024 ** 3, "nodex")
n_threads = Global.threading.n_threads_global
Global.threading = Threading(
ThreadingTypes.OperatorBatchedGEMM | ThreadingTypes.Global,
n_threads, n_threads, 1)
Global.threading.seq_type = SeqTypes.Tasked
Global.frame.fp_codec = DoubleFPCodec(1E-16, 1024)
Global.frame.minimal_disk_usage = True
Global.frame.use_main_stack = False
# D2H Hamiltonian
pg = "d2h"
swap_pg = getattr(PointGroup, "swap_" + pg)
vacuum = SX(0)
target = SX(fcidump.n_elec, fcidump.twos, swap_pg(fcidump.isym))
n_sites = fcidump.n_sites
orb_sym = VectorUInt8(map(swap_pg, fcidump.orb_sym))
hamil = HamiltonianQC(vacuum, n_sites, orb_sym, fcidump)
print("ORB SYM = ", hamil.orb_sym)
mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
print(" pre-mpo memory usage = %10s" % Parsing.to_size_string(mem))
mpo = MPOQC(hamil, QCTypes.Conventional)
mpo = SimplifiedMPO(mpo, RuleQC(), True, True, OpNamesSet((OpNames.R, OpNames.RD)))
mpo.basis = hamil.basis
mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
print("post-mpo memory usage = %10s" % Parsing.to_size_string(mem))
fsize = os.path.getsize('mpo.bin')
print("mpo size = %10s" % Parsing.to_size_string(fsize))
Some reference outputs (the memory information can be different for each run):
$ grep 'usage\|size' dmrg-1.out
pre-mpo memory usage = 58.5 MB
post-mpo memory usage = 126 MB
mpo size = 2.35 MB
So without saving and reloading the MPO, the MPO object needs roughly 67.5 MB memory.
Loading a Serial MPO
We can now load the saved mpo.bin
to do DMRG, and skip the step for creating HamiltonianQC
from block2 import *
from block2.su2 import *
import numpy as np
import psutil
import os
SX = SU2
Global.frame = DoubleDataFrame(10 * 1024 ** 2, 10 * 1024 ** 3, "nodex")
n_threads = Global.threading.n_threads_global
Global.threading = Threading(
ThreadingTypes.OperatorBatchedGEMM | ThreadingTypes.Global,
n_threads, n_threads, 1)
Global.threading.seq_type = SeqTypes.Tasked
Global.frame.fp_codec = DoubleFPCodec(1E-16, 1024)
Global.frame.minimal_disk_usage = True
Global.frame.use_main_stack = False
mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
print(" pre-load-mpo memory usage = %10s" % Parsing.to_size_string(mem))
mpo = MPO(0)
mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
print("post-load-mpo memory usage = %10s" % Parsing.to_size_string(mem))
n_sites = mpo.n_sites
vacuum = SX(0)
target = SX(8, 0, 0)
mps_info = MPSInfo(mpo.n_sites, vacuum, target, mpo.basis)
mps_info.tag = 'KET'
mps = MPS(n_sites, 0, 2)
me = MovingEnvironment(mpo, mps, mps, "DMRG")
me.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me.cached_contraction = True
dmrg = DMRG(me, VectorUBond([250, 500]), VectorDouble([1E-5] * 5 + [1E-6] * 5 + [0]))
dmrg.noise_type = NoiseTypes.ReducedPerturbativeCollected
dmrg.davidson_conv_thrds = VectorDouble([1E-6] * 5 + [1E-7] * 5)
ener = dmrg.solve(20, == 0, 1E-8)
print('DMRG Energy = %20.15f' % ener)
Some reference outputs (the memory information can be different for each run):
$ grep 'usage\|Energy' dmrg-2.out
pre-load-mpo memory usage = 42.6 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 53.5 MB
DMRG Energy = -75.728475321395166
So the reloaded MPO object is smaller, which needs only 10.9 MB memory. The DMRG takes 70.581 seconds.
Loading a Serial MPO with Minimal Memory
One can change the line in the above script:
mpo.load_data('mpo.bin', minimal=True)
Then rerun the script. Now the MPO is loaded in the minimal memory mode.
Some reference outputs (the memory information can be different for each run):
$ grep 'usage\|Energy' dmrg-2.out
pre-load-mpo memory usage = 40.7 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 43.0 MB
DMRG Energy = -75.728475329694518
Now the reloaded MPO object occupies only 2.3 MB memory before the DMRG calculation. The DMRG takes 70.688 seconds (which is not greatly affected by dynamically reloading MPO parts).
Saving Parallelized MPO
For distributed calculations, we can still reload the serial MPO and parallelize it. But this way is only compatible to the non-minimal-memory mode. To save the memory for distributed calculations, we need to save the parallelized MPO. The parallelization script for MPO does not have to be run in parallel (but you still can run it in parallel, which has a lower wall time cost but a higher memory cost).
The following script generates and saves the parallelized MPO for 7 mpi processsors
(note that this script should be run in serial, namely, no mpirun
from block2 import *
from block2.su2 import *
import numpy as np
import psutil
import os
Global.frame = DoubleDataFrame(10 * 1024 ** 2, 10 * 1024 ** 3, "nodex")
mpo = MPO(0)
# size, rank, root
comm = ParallelCommunicator(7, 0, 0)
prule = ParallelRuleQC(comm)
for irank in range(comm.size):
comm.rank = irank
para_mpo = ParallelMPO(mpo, prule)
para_mpo.save_data('mpo.bin.%d' % irank)
fsize = os.path.getsize('mpo.bin.%d' % irank)
print("mpo.%d size = %10s" % (irank, Parsing.to_size_string(fsize)))
Here we assume a serial MPO mpo.bin
has already been saved in the disk.
The ParallelCommunicator
is a fake object for distributed parallelism.
We can manually change the rank
of ParallelCommunicator
to generate
parallelized MPOs for different ranks.
Some reference outputs:
mpo.0 size = 2.74 MB
mpo.1 size = 2.75 MB
mpo.2 size = 2.73 MB
mpo.3 size = 2.74 MB
mpo.4 size = 2.77 MB
mpo.5 size = 2.78 MB
mpo.6 size = 2.77 MB
Note that each parallelized MPO is larger than the serial MPO. Actually, each of them includes both the “local” part and “global” part. The “global” part then has the same size as the serial MPO. (For big site code the “global” part for parallelized MPO can be smaller than the full MPO).
Reloading Parallelized MPO
The following script is used for parallel DMRG with 7 mpi processsors
(namely, mpirun -n 7 --bind-to none python -u
, for example):
from block2 import *
from block2.su2 import *
import numpy as np
import psutil
import os
SX = SU2
MPI = MPICommunicator()
Global.frame = DoubleDataFrame(10 * 1024 ** 2, 10 * 1024 ** 3, "nodex")
n_threads = Global.threading.n_threads_global // MPI.size
Global.threading = Threading(
ThreadingTypes.OperatorBatchedGEMM | ThreadingTypes.Global,
n_threads, n_threads, 1)
Global.threading.seq_type = SeqTypes.Tasked
Global.frame.fp_codec = DoubleFPCodec(1E-16, 1024)
Global.frame.minimal_disk_usage = True
Global.frame.use_main_stack = False
prule = ParallelRuleQC(MPI)
mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
print(" pre-load-mpo memory usage = %10s" % Parsing.to_size_string(mem))
mpo = ParallelMPO(0, prule)
mpo.load_data('mpo.bin.%d' % MPI.rank, minimal=False)
mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
print("post-load-mpo memory usage = %10s" % Parsing.to_size_string(mem))
n_sites = mpo.n_sites
vacuum = SX(0)
target = SX(8, 0, 0)
mps_info = MPSInfo(mpo.n_sites, vacuum, target, mpo.basis)
mps_info.tag = 'KET'
mps = MPS(n_sites, 0, 2)
me = MovingEnvironment(mpo, mps, mps, "DMRG")
me.delayed_contraction = OpNamesSet.normal_ops()
me.cached_contraction = True
dmrg = DMRG(me, VectorUBond([250, 500]), VectorDouble([1E-5] * 5 + [1E-6] * 5 + [0]))
dmrg.noise_type = NoiseTypes.ReducedPerturbativeCollected
dmrg.davidson_conv_thrds = VectorDouble([1E-6] * 5 + [1E-7] * 5)
ener = dmrg.solve(20, == 0, 1E-8)
print('DMRG Energy = %20.15f' % ener)
Some reference outputs (the memory information can be different for each run):
$ grep 'post-\|Energy' dmrg-3.out
post-load-mpo memory usage = 59.6 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 61.6 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 59.4 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 63.6 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 59.4 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 59.4 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 59.4 MB
DMRG Energy = -75.728475146585453
DMRG Energy = -75.728475146585453
DMRG Energy = -75.728475146585453
DMRG Energy = -75.728475146585453
DMRG Energy = -75.728475146585453
DMRG Energy = -75.728475146585453
DMRG Energy = -75.728475146585453
Reloading Parallelized MPO with Minimal Memory
One can change the line in the above script:
mpo.load_data('mpo.bin.%d' % MPI.rank, minimal=False)
mpo.load_data('mpo.bin.%d' % MPI.rank, minimal=True)
Then rerun the script. Now the MPO is loaded in the minimal memory mode.
Some reference outputs (the memory information can be different for each run):
$ grep 'post-\|Energy' dmrg-3.out
post-load-mpo memory usage = 52.8 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 48.8 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 50.8 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 50.8 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 52.8 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 48.9 MB
post-load-mpo memory usage = 48.8 MB
DMRG Energy = -75.728475151371001
DMRG Energy = -75.728475151371001
DMRG Energy = -75.728475151371001
DMRG Energy = -75.728475151371001
DMRG Energy = -75.728475151371001
DMRG Energy = -75.728475151371001
DMRG Energy = -75.728475151371001
We can see that the memory usage after loading MPO is smaller, compared to the non-minimal-memory-usage mode.